Rude Awakening

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"Who was that Ash?" Casey asked with his eye's closed still mostly asleep.

" no one. Let's get back to sleep ok? ". I mumbled snuggling back up to him.

Casey released a soft moan and nestled back up to me. I met him the other month while at work, well my version of work. I was at a five hundred dollar plate charity event scoping out my next client. These type of functions usually are filled to the brim with loaded men. Yes, I too had to pay five hundred bucks for a plate of food but as the saying goes, you got to spend money to make money. Besides the money was going to a children's hospital so it was well spent.

Any how money isn't a big issue for me these day's. Since I scored well when I cracked opened King's safe I'm living larger. In fact I really don't need to be searching for new clients at the moment but I'm thinking ahead. One day my looks will be gone so I've got to use it while I can. My plan is to retire from my life of deceit by the age of forty somewhere warm and sunny.

The event turned out to be a downer and there wasn't that many rich guy's to choose from. Most were either way too old for my liking or already attached to a woman. However the cute waiter boy had been eyeing me all evening, so at the end of the night I cut my loses and took him home for some fun. Turns out that one night of fun led to many more. I wasn't in love with Casey but it killed my boredom, filled the gap that King left and satisfied my needs.

I can't believe that King had the nerve to call me after all of this time, especially given how he reacted the last time I saw him. I was truly done with him this time. Never were my intentions to steal from him, I honestly did like him and found myself wanting more than just hot romps with him but that was a subject I could never broach with him. King always made it clear that there would never be any form of a relationship between us besides a sexual one. He stayed so clammed up and if I did venture into asking personal questions he'd grow heated and run me off. Hell, to think about he would run me off when we were getting along well. I didn't deserve his treatment yet I kept going back for more. It took him bashing the cake I made for his birthday and screaming at me in front of other's to wake me up. King was a waist of my time and I was better off. However I was hurt that he never once offered a apology so I hit him where it hurt... His money.

Shutting my eye's I made a mental note to block his number again when I woke in the morning. Sleep was just getting good when I was woken by a harsh pounding at my door. Sitting up confused, I grabbed my robe and scrambled from bed. Casey sat up slowly and asked in a groggy voice. "What the hell is going on?"

" Nothing. I'll check it out, you go back to sleep".

Making my way to my door I peeked out of the peep hole and saw King standing there. "Go away". I yelled through the door.

" Its the big bad wolf and I came to blow your house down". He sang.

It was obvious he was drunk and probably disturbing my neighbors so I swing the door open angrily. "What are you thinking? You can't be here especially like this. Let me call you a cab".

Pushing his way in, he swirled his hands around my waist and shot me that grin I loved so much. "Come on girl, you know you miss me... Miss this." He added as he tried to grind his hips into mine.

Pushing him away I rolled my eye's. "Ugh... Please. You're drunk and need to go immediately. We are done. I no longer know you and I plan to keep it that way. I'm calling a cab right now".

King grabbed my arm gently and pulled me toward him. "Ash, my sweet girl, you're just mad. Let me make it all better" . He tried to convince me by swiveling that amazing tongue of his around.

My thighs immediately clamped together tightly and goosebumps pebbled my skin as I recalled just what that tongue could do. Pointing my finger sharply toward my door I hissed. "Get out ".

" Ash, baby, don't be like this. " He said stepping closer to me.

"Everything okay here Ashton?" I heard Casey say from the doorway.

Swishing around fastly  I nodded my head yes. "Everything is fine. King was just leaving. Go back to bed and I'll be there in a few".

Casey gave me an unsure look and as I begin to reassure him King sped by me. "The fuck you?"

Quickly I grabbed King's arm. "Leave". I demanded.

" So this is how it is? Huh? " he snarled at me.

"King we were never anything. I was nothing to you, you made it very clear several time's. I finally smartened up and moved on. Get out".

A fierce look crossed King's face and he gripped my upper arm's in his hands. "You are mine. Do you understand that? Did I make that clear Ashton?"

"Hey man, back off". Casey said stepping toward us.

King released me and reached Casey in one stride. "You don't know who you're messing with. My best advice is for you to leave this building now and not to even let Ash run across your mind".

Casey laughed. "Dude, you're a drunk joke. Do as Ashton asked and leave".

Before I could focus, King had his hand wrapped around Casey's throat and slammed him into the wall. Panic seized my body as I watched Casey fighting to breath. Screaming, I launched myself onto King's back trying to pull his hand away. "Stop King. You're killing him". I cried.

Still king continued as he growled. "Good. That's the point".

Not knowing what else to do, I looked around my place for anything I could use as a weapon. The only thing I could spy was a brass urn that I used to store my umbrellas. Tossing the umbrellas out, I lifted the urn and crashed it down on King's head. He released Casey and turned to look at me. I hefted the urn up onto my shoulder in true baseball bat fashion and squealed. "Come closer and I'll drill your ass with this again".

King didn't have the chance because he crumbled to the floor out cold. I spotted a speck of blood seeping from his hair. "Oh my God, is he dead? Did I kill him?" I screeched dropping the urn with a thud.

Falling to my knees, I checked his pulse. Nope, he's still alive. Looking over at Casey who was still recovering from the attack I said. "Help. I've got to get him out of here".

" Fuck him". Casey snarled standing up and delivered a hard kick to King's back.

"Hey, stop that. He's out and it's over. "I shouted.

" Help me carry him to his car and I'll drop him off somewhere".

"Whatever". Casey agreed grudgingly.

Rambling through King's pockets, I located a set of key's. Casey lifted him underneath his arm's as I lifted his legs. Thankfully it was still late enough that my neighbors wouldn't be out stirring. Getting King to the elevator, down the hall's and into his car was quite the workout. I dropped him on more than one occasion and felt bad. I'm sure his busted head will be sore enough without all of the extra bruises I was adding.

Getting behind the wheel of his Range Rover I instructed Casey to follow me. I had no clue where to go so I just drove. Eventually I pulled off on the shoulder of the road out on a desert road. Hopping out I jumped into Casey's car. As he drove me home he asked angrily. "Who the hell was that?"

" king Harper".

"What is he, your boyfriend?"

" No, not even my ex. We just fooled around a few time's. I don't know what any of that was about tonight". I answered.

Needless to say Casey left as soon as he dropped me off. I think it's safe to say that I want be seeing him again. walking back into my apartment, I took the mess in that was left behind. Quickly I tidied thing's up and fell back into bed as the sun was coming up.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now