Claiming What Is Mine

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The pain was unbearable. So unbearable that I tried to bury it deep inside. If I could, I'd reach into my heart, my gut and rip it out. This wasn't just new pain from having been betrayed by King and learning the truth about his family. No, this was old pain. Pain, hurt, betrayal and suffering that I have carried on my shoulders since I was a child. That buried pain has submerged and introduced itself to this new pain. Together they have merged as one and created a hell storm.

For so long I didn't know who I was, where I came from. I walked the world alone and made my way by the skin of my teeth.... But I made my way and I will now too no matter if I must crawl. There's a difference now however. Now I know exactly who I am and where I came from. I am Rachel Kinichi... The new Queen... The queen who will stand alone in this world and will break my back to take back what was so wrongfully taken from my family, from me.

You see it's just not about the Harper's killing my parent's then claiming my parent's growing business as their own. No, this is deeper than that. This is about greed... The Harper greed. Greed has gotten them this far in life and it's that same greed that makes them so powerful. It was greed that made them murder my parent's and because of that greed I was left to suffer alone and question why my parent's didn't love me. Turns out that my parent's loved me so much that they gave me away along with false documentation to save me. They knew the Harper's were hunting them and they feared for their lives. In order to save me they had to let me go. They made the ultimate sacrifice for love but it kept me alive. Now I will sacrifice for them.

Then there's now another triangle to this square problem... I am carrying a Harper child. A HARPER child that will be raised as a Kinichi. That Kinichi child will be the new King or queen to the new Kinichi Empire that I will build with my bare hands. My child will never know who their father is or that they carry Harper blood. Some may say this is wrong but ask yourself what would you do had you discovered such betrayal. Yes, I'm aware that King was only a child himself when this took place therefore had no control over this. However he knew and kept this from me. King watched me suffer and search yet didn't bother to tell me. Could anyone look into their lover's eye's knowing that their family was responsible for killing their parent's? Better yet, how am I suppose to sit at dinner table's or other functions with the very same people that tore my family apart and turned me into a orphan. I don't think anyone could do that and have a clean conscious or not harbor some hate.

As for King, well I can now announce that we are definitely over. We ended before we even begun. Life's not fair sometimes but I've learned to roll with the punches. I've endured hardships before so I'm sure I can take this heartbreak on. My main mission is to bring my parent's small empire back and transform it into something magnificent. Yes, I'm wet behind the ears and don't know much about the mafia world but I'm a fast learner and I'm not stupid. During my short time with king I've watched and learned. I've heard the stories about his mother and what a mighty queen she is. If she can do it so can I. I'll be the most badass queen they have ever seen. King's dear, sweet mother may have met her match because I will not back down even if I have to die trying. I want the Harper's to hurt and suffer just as they made me hurt and suffer. I won't them to know loss and question their worth. They will feel everything I have felt.

Of course I'm not stupid. I know this will be no easy feat. Empire's and power just doesn't happen overnight. I'm sure it will take year's to be where I need to be. I need training not only in fighting but guns as well. Next time King I will not miss my mark.  And that's why I killed myself. That's right, I no longer exist. They can't hunt me if I'm no longer alive.

Even though I was in shock over discovering the truth my mind went into high gear and I knew what needed to be done. By now I know that my lovely little bracelett was a tracker. Naturally King had it rigged so that even I couldn't break the code but it must be removed. My first stop was a blacksmith. I had him use a small torque to cut through the precious metal and wah-la. I'm now free and untraceable. Next, I rented a smaller van and learned the layout to the local hospital. Parking the van in the back where they carry dead bodies out, I entered through the front. Snatching up a lab coat I made my way to the morgue. Once I was in the clear I scanned over the dead bodies in search of a young female with my build. Luckily I found one but she had blonde hair. But remember, I'm smart. I prepared for such a circumstance. I removed the red she hair kit from my coat and quickly colored the blonde locks my shade of red. Then I snapped the tracking bracelet to get wrist. Stuffing the stuff body under a lab cart, I tossed a blanket over it and made my way out the back to my van. This was all too easy.

Once at the airport, I stayed back but watched King's plane to ensure he was aboard. After his men scrambled off probably in search of me, I drove closer. First I assembled the bomb that consisted of cleaning products and gun powder then carefully placed it near the jets fuel tank. Tying a sturdy string to the cleaning product, I unrolled it back to the van. Using all of my strength, I drug the  body underneath the jet. This way the explosion would char the woman's features and they wouldn't be the wiser.

To pull this off I placed a call to King. I guess just to have a final goodbye. As I neared my countdown, I jerked the string causing the cleaning product to spill into the gun powder. I then sprinted far away as I heard the boom. Not wasting anymore time, I walked into the airport and prepared for my flight. Immediately I spotted two of King's men walking toward me. I dashed into a lost luggage room and hid. As quiet as possible I placed the silencer I had taken as well onto King's gun. Smiling at his gun, I missed it and whispered. "I think I'll keep you for old time's sake".

As I heard the door close I emerged from my hiding spot and without flinching I begin to fire taking the men down. Making sure that they was dead so they couldn't talk, I walked out of there like the new, fiercess queen that I was.

Two day's later I was out of the state's. It would be insane to start my business there where the Harper's would catch wind of it so I selected Egypt. I chose a small, poverty stricten section of town to begin my rise. In poor places like this the people and their loyalty can be bought. In a matter of week's I purchased my first building and started putting my money to use in the community. It wasn't long before the people loved me for my generosity and dubbed me as their red haired flame of hope. Now it was time to lure them in and build my army.... My empire. Let's strike my first deal and build my clientele.

Yes, the Harper's may build building's but I'm building pyramids.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now