Queen Mother

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That night I stayed with Sire at his place. He gave me the guest bedroom to make myself comfortable in. Truly I understand that he means we'll but I can't continue to stay here. I left this life and now lead a life of my own. His word's were true however, it's very possible that I could be targeted as well for my association with CJ and the Harper's but I can't live my entire life in fear. My life will always be at risk but I can't hide forever.

No one is aware that I am staying here. Sire wants to keep it that way until he combs over the mess my deceit made. Rightfully I should be dead by now and it came as somewhat as a shock that Sire would risk everything just to protect me. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for everything that he has done but I'm not his responsibility and I don't want to jeopardize his trust with the family. In the long run I would only cause Sire trouble. It's best if I slip on off the first available chance I get. Which shouldn't be too hard right now. The family is in turmoil over CJ's disappearance and the Laney and Marcus situation. With them being so wrapped up in all of that my escape should be easy.

It's not that I don't care, in fact every time I think of what CJ is going through my insides twist and the thought that he may actually die chills me to the bone. I try my best to think positive and pray that the Harper's will figure this all out sooner rather than later. Of course I will check in regularly to be updated but it's best for everyone if I go, myself included. I'm sure that I can make Sire understand should be come looking for me.

Besides I have a date tonight with Seth. Part of me feels that it is wrong to go out and enjoy myself while my ex husband is in such a predicament but I try to convince myself that I am no longer apart of his life. I shouldn't put my life on hold as well. It hurts knowing that he is out there hurting and going through no telling what but this is what he wanted. CJ wanted to be away from me, he wanted the divorce. However I'm sure I'll make for sour company tonight because even though I'm with Seth my thoughts will be with CJ.

After my morning shower I headed to the kitchen for something to drink. Sire was already dressed and downing a omelette when I entered. Scoffing down what was left, he spoke in a rush. "Gotta run. We have so much to do today but make yourself comfortable. I'll keep you updated" .

I nodded nervously. "Thanks, please do".

Sire nodded his head and flew out the door. For the remainder of the morning I sat around building up courage for my escape. Finally around one that afternoon I decided that the time was now. Grabbing the small back of thing's that I had brought with me, I left the building. Just as I suspected, everyone was so engrossed on solving this puzzle that slipping out was just a bit too easy.

I returned to my apartment and sent Seth a short text to confirm if we was still on for the night. He replied within the hour to say that we were but instead of dinner at his place he would rather go out instead. That was fine with me. Maybe being out in public would be a better distraction from all of my worry. Not long after I begin to prepare for our date. As promised Seth picked me up right on time. Instead of a nice, classy place as Seth chose a cheesy diner where we would be served promptly. He repeatedly apologized for such a dumpy date but went on to explain that he has an emergency meeting bright an early with a very delicate patient. Of course I understood. As a doctor Seth's schedule was never clock work. Occasionally a patient would be in a crisis and need him as soon as possible.

Our date lasted no more than an hour but he promised to take me out in a few day's and make up for it. After a rather speedy goodbye Seth pulled away from my building. I didn't even have the opportunity to ask him up for coffee.

Walking into my apartment I laid my coat over a chair and slipped my heels off. Going to the kitchen, I sat my bag down on the counter. As I went to click the light switch on and very sharp object pressed into the side of my neck. Gasping, I was warned. "Don't Even think about screaming. I'll have your neck laid open before you can inhale a deep breath".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now