Refusing The Heart

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Waking up after a restless night of sleep, I sat up and swung my legs off of the bed. Immediately I thought about the argument King and I had and then the word's he left me with. Then I wondered what it was that he wanted to talk to me about this morning. If it was resuming our relationship the answer would still be no. Not that I don't want to try but I'm scared. My heart couldn't take another let down from him again. I've come so far to backtrack now.

Dreading to get this over with, I donned my robe and entered the living room. King was nowhere to be seen but the mess we left behind was gone and his blankets folded neatly on the couch. I assumed he had decided against the talk and left but then my curtains caught my eye as they gently swayed. That's how I discovered that my patio door was open. Stepping closer to inspect it I saw King running up my steps waving his hands as if telling me to stay back. At first I was alarmed but then he shot me that beautiful smile of his. Upon reaching me he said. "You can't come out just yet".

I opened my mouth to speak but he only laughed as he ushered me back in. "Just stay put. I promise it will only be five minutes" .

Really not having a choice I did as he asked. True to his word, King returned in five minutes. Taking my hand he said. "Come on".

King led me down my stairs until my feet met the warm sand. We walked a short distance and came to a stop at a picnic scene. There was a lovely blanket spread out covered with all types of goodness. Fresh fruit, muffins, juice, omelettes and an assortment of breakfast favorites. Beautiful flowers littered the basket and blanket. King smiled shyly. "I wasn't sure what your favorite breakfast food was so I may have went overboard" .

"No. It's lovely". I whispered as I looked at this stranger wondering where King was.

" Here, sit down ". He said gesturing to a clear spot on the blanket.

As I bent to sit so did he. Picking up the container of juice he asked. "Juice? It's freshly squeezed."

I nodded my head yes and watched as he filled my glass. To my surprise his hands were trembling and he seemed a bit nervous. This was so unlike him. Normally he was a very steel nerved man and his hands were like stone especially when handling a gun. "How did you put all of this together?" I asked in awe.

" well I couldn't sleep last night so I ran out to the market. I've been working on this all morning ". He said proudly.

" Did you sleep at all? " I asked wide eyed.

He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "I may have caught a quick nap when I sneezed".

I laughed faintly still too amazed by all of this. "Cinnamon rolls, their my favorite" . I offered answering his earlier question.

"Then I have a surprise for you" . He grinned reaching into the basket and pulling out fresh baked rolls.

"Eat until your heart is content" . He winked.

As we begin to eat he started talking. "I want to apologize again for last night. I was out of line."

" it's fine. I had a part in it as well. I'm sorry too". I agreed.

Taking a deep breath he let his word's loose. "I've got to be honest with you Frankie. I'm so into you that it scares me. I've always been into you. Even all those time's I ran you off or was being a jerk. I felt as if I didn't deserve you, that I had no right to be happy. I was so consumed in my pain and guilt that I didn't care who I hurt. Please forgive me Ginger Snap?"

" it's okay King. It's in the past but I am glad that you explained it to me. I'm happy that your mom was found alive too. Now you and your family can heal".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now