Small World

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Watching Frankie doze, a raw need to protect her welled up inside of me. Even as she slept her brow was furrowed with worry and fear. It bothered me knowing how much her parents hurt her and I felt helpless. I wanted to remove her pain but didn't know how, where to begin.

Frankie has never shared much about her upbringing to me other than saying she was shifted from group homes to foster families up until her teens. As a young teen she was finally placed in a foster home only to be turned into their personal thief... Hence where she mastered the art of her chosen profession.

As I stared at her sleeping yet troubled form I couldn't help but think how truly amazing that she was. To have dealt such hardships yet still came out on top and rose out of poverty and did it all without a proper education. True, her job isn't respectable and legal by any means but she was smart. I wondered if it hadn't of been for her childhood what she would have chosen to do? Would she have attended college and not feel through the cracks of a seedy yet risky job? I made a mental note to ask her what her dream job would have been if had been presented with different opportunities. Whatever it is, I'll make sure she succeeds.

One thing is certain... I have made it my personal mission to locate her absent parent's and make them answer for their wrongdoings. There is no acceptable apology that they could give for having hurt my Frankie so. Knowing that I couldn't erase her pain only infuriated me further. Before I end them they will explain why they did this to their child. Frankie deserves answers and she will have them.

In her sleep her hand mindlessly rested upon her abdomen where my baby was growing. Immediately my mind forgot about her parents as I thought about my child. Smiling, I overflowed with anticipation as I guessed what the sex might be, if they would have my features or Frankies striking red hair. An overwhelming need to share the news with someone struck and I knew I shouldn't without speaking to Frankie first but not only was I excited but scared as well. I'm going to be a Pape and could use some moral support. I couldn't call my brother Dem for obvious reasons. Demarco couldn't keep a secret plus he's a negative Nancy about everything. There's Miri but she has enough on her plate currently with Cole, CJ's divorce and Mizery's upcoming baby. Mom, well let's just say mom would be happy and offer good advice but I also know that she'd approach Frankie with it without my permission to ensure that her intentions with me are pure. The only person I could count on right now was Pape. He'd hear me out and not overreact like the other's would. Pape would also keep it to himself until Frankie and I decided to announce our news.

Tucking the blanket snuggly over Frankie, I crept from bed and went out the backdoor to place my call. The ocean view was just as stunning as the first time I came here. Hitting send, I waited for my Pape to answer. I decided to be casual at first and not just blurt it out. When he answered I asked how everyone was and if there was any new leads on the latest attack. As I suspected he informed me that my mother had nearly bled the newest suspect to death before he spilled a new name. Now we are searching for someone who is simply called Hitch. Seems like a dead end to me but time will tell.

After several minutes of mindless chatter I finally broke. "I'm going to be a Pape. Frankie and I just found out".

Dead silence on his end. Okay, not what I was expecting. "I feared this King".

There was a worried undertone in his voice that made me cautious. "Why would you fear this Pape?"

"Is Frankie nearby?" Pape asked.

" No. She's asleep. What's wrong Pape? "

With a deep, regretful sigh he spoke. "Many year's ago there was a turf war with a small Irish thugs. You was maybe seven, too young to remember. At first I wasn't worried, they were small time but they begin to grow, get powerful and were moving in on our client's. Trying to be fair, I sent them a warning to back off. They were too smug and assumed their small army could defeat my Empire. I never take threats lightly and seen my warning through. His name was Mickey Kinichie. I along with Conner, Cole and your brother as well as many of my men raided there hideout. I wiped him out, his men and his wife who was named Elizabeth. I knew they had a small child but we never found the babe. No, my intentions wasn't to harm a child, I'm many thing's but never a child killer. However i did want to place the child in a proper home or care. Time passed and the child was forgotten. When your mother learned of Frankie natural she dug up her background and it's a good thing she did. Frankie is the missing child. I'm guessing that her parent's knew I might try an attack so they wanted their child safe. From what I gather they surrendered her into foster care in hopes of keeping her identity safe. In fact her original name wasn't Frankie. Her birth name is Rachel Kinichie. They gave false paper's to the system in order to keep her hidden. King, her parent's didn't intentionally give her away, they knew I was coming. I killed her parent's. The family killed them" .

Talk about being mind blown. I was mad, panicked and a number of thing's. "Pape why didn't you tell me about this sooner? Now I'm in too deep and if she were to find out our role in this.... I don't know what may happen" .

"I understand and I'm sorry son but please keep your guard up. There is a possibility that she already knows what was done. She's a smart lady and maybe she searched for her parent's or perhaps they left behind information for her to receive when she matured. What I'm saying is that you could be a pawn in her revenge. Be careful" .

"No. Never. Frankie is hurting and even more so now after learning that she's going to be a mother. She has no clue what my family did, the pain you caused her."

" That very well may be the truth son and I hope it is for your sake but also don't be naive. You know how our world works... An eye for an eye".

Ignoring his warnings I hissed. "No one is to let her know this".

Ending the call I retreated back indoors. Suddenly the sunshine wasn't warm anymore. I stared down at a sleeping Frankie and pondered my thoughts. If she ever found this out I'm certain she'd blame my family for all she has suffered and hate me as well but was it right to let her know the truth? Let her know that her parent's didn't just abandon her but his her out of love. That they planned on returning to collect her but my Pape had them killed? No, she must never know about this. This secret must be buried in a deep, dark place.

Then Pape's warning reflected in my mind like a light in a mirror... Could Frankie know? Could she be playing me and planning on exacting her revenge? Was I her pawn on a board laced with kings?

But she's carrying my baby... Or is she?

Has everything all been just one big lie? Her love for me? The pregnancy? My parent's keeping this from me?

I a King... The one born to be doomed.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now