Surprise Guest

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Two month's, thirteen day's and forty-seven minutes have trickled by since I last saw King. I would like to have said that I ran out that door and chased him down claiming what I wanted so bad but I didn't. So many time's I wished that I had raced to the airport and screamed yes. Yes, I forgive you, yes I want you just as badly and yes I love you too but my fear kept me placid.

I find this entire predicament so odd. Since my teen year's I've never feared the unknown. I taught myself how to fight, be strong and make my way in this world. Not once did fear stop me from claiming my victim, from robbing them yet when it comes to King fear is all I feel. My only plausible answer to this .... King has the power to hurt me and has done so many time's.

I'm use to being so in control of my life and decisions that it scares me knowing that I would need to accommodate to have a working relationship with him. King isn't the type of man that takes well to orders and the same goes for me, however in a relationship it's give and take. I know I'd have to relinquish some of my freedom's concerning my career choice. I honestly don't think King will want me to continue entertaining other men even if it's no interest involved. The reason I know this is because it still bothers me how he used those three women that night even though they were props. It was hard to sit back and watch them fawn over what should be mine.

Then I fear this new guy he has transformed into is just an act to get the girl. Once we become comfortable would his old ways resurface? Would I once again be pushed aside? And yes, I know many would view his mafia connections as a deal breaker but honestly it doesn't bother me. How can I judge his dirty secrets knowing that I have my own? Plus it really doesn't scare me but I also don't fully understand how deep in the mafia him or his family or involved. King's never really explained it to me and when he does discuss it, it's in a joking manner. But really, how dangerous and important is the mafia in these day's? Most have already been taken out and the term is used to any one criminal active group that believe that they are gangster. I'm almost certain that the mafia died with Al Capone. Besides, the FBI would put a stop to such before it even begin.

In other news, King and I do talk on the regular, especially if I'm out late on a job. Yes, I do have a new prospect in sight. If it's past ten at night he somehow knows I'm not at home and sends me a text to ensure my safety. It's as if he had camera's on me at all time's. I wear the bracelet he gave me at all time's but I have no choice. Once I clasped it in my wrist I couldn't remove it. It was as if it sealed to me. I

Recently during our conversations King has brought up his upcoming birthday often. His plans are to spend it alone sitting at home. He sounds so sad but I do know that his view on his birthday has somewhat changed since the return of his mother. It pains me knowing that he is choosing to stay home alone which led me to make this sour of the moment decision.... I'm currently on a plane headed to Vegas.

Pushing my fears aside, I have to know where this could go. True, it may end bad but at least I won't die regretting that I never found out. By the time the plane touched down it was nearing seven in the evening. King's birthday wasn't until tomorrow but I didn't want him to wake up to a empty house. On my way to his building, I stopped and grabbed a single cupcake in honor of him. I didn't want to go overboard and freak him out like I did on his last birthday.

When I arrived at his building entrance I noticed that the place seemed overly busy. It was obvious that something big and important was taking place in one of the banquet room's. Shrugging it off I led myself to the elevator and punched in his suite number. As soon as I did there men clothed in black suits approached me. "Miss, where do you think you are going?"

Taken aback by their gruffness I snapped. "To visit a friend and why is it your business?"

" Miss, we cannot allow you to that floor. Mr. Harper is attending a very important event at the moment. However if you give us a name we will check the list".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now