Pick Pocket Fox

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What am I to do? That was the question that I continued to ask myself as I laid on the couch looking up at the ceiling. For two hour's now I've laid here trying to decide a plan to escape King and this mess I'm currently in and so far I haven't resolved a thing.

Talk about regrets. I regret stealing that money thinking that in some petty way I was hurting King and mending my shattered heart. I definitely regret spending it. Once again I lashed out thinking by spending King's money I was getting revenge. Yep, King was right... Jokes on me.

Now here I am possibly facing time and being held here by King. So what that he claims I'm here just until he can make this go away. So what that he claims he's some form of mafia king, which I highly doubt. I mean come on, be real. The mafia died ages ago. Yes, King has a temper but I've never seen any type of behavior that would link him to the mafia. Okay, so he did take me to that warehouse and scare the daylights out of me but to him it was a joke. If he really was the mafia King he claims to be I'm pretty certain I wouldn't be breathing right now. Isn't that how it happens in the movies? They get betrayed and make you swim with the fish?

No, King is a man with a alter ego. He's so young yet already a thriving businessman that has earned a lot of money. So what that he had counterfeit money. This is Vegas and fake bills flow like lava around these casino's. I guarantee that half of these casino owner's run the same scam. So I get it, because of all of his money and power at such a young age he feels like a God.

Tossing the blanket off of me, I sat up. I couldn't stay here. I had to get out and take care of these mess. I needed a lawyer. I needed to move my accounts around or else get busted for my own scams. One thing I have learned, from here on out I will always check the money I get off of these men.

Slowly I stood up and padded toward King's room where he had left the door open. Peeking in I could see the steady rise and fall of his chest. He was out cold which wasn't surprising considering how much he drank tonight. Another problem with him. Most of his nights are spent draining a bottle. Once I brought it up out of concern and he promptly kicked me out of his apartment. The topic was never brought up again. No doubt that he has some ghosts from his last that haunts him yet occasionally I see through his act. King comes off as this tough, uncaring, heartless jerk but underneath I see all the hurt and pain. I don't know what has happened to him to make him this way. Yes I've tried to pick it from him but like always be shuts down and sends me off.

Continuing to watch his sleeping pattern, I knew it was safe to make my disappearance. From all my nights spent sleeping in that bed with him I knew he was deeply asleep and my movement wouldn't disturb him. Glancing at the hallway clock I saw that it was three-twenty-two in the morning. When I was arrested earlier in the day I was taken in only my wearing my pajamas and silk robe, mind you no shoes. As of now I was sporting King's shirt that came to just above my knees. Oh well, I guess this will have to do.

Tip toeing to the door, I gently undid the locks and slowly opened the door. Easing my head out, I ensured that the hallway was empty. Within in seconds I ran to the elevator and to my luck I didn't have to wait for the shiny, steel doors to open. In moment's I was mall walking out of the lobby doors onto the vast Vegas strip. Finding a taxi was no problem and soon I was in the comfort of my own home.

However i knew my time was limited. King would wake and I'm certain continue his pursuit of me. Hiding was my best option. Even though I wanted to shower the jail cell stench from my body I had to wait. Yanking my suitcase from underneath my bed, I begin to stash clothes and other accessories into it. Quickly I changed into something more suitable, grabbed a few important paper's, my phone charger and my purse and made my way out. Thirty minutes later I was tucked away in a five star hotel not far from the city.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now