This Wasn't Supposed To Happen So Soon

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Hey my sweeties! I hope you all had a sweet Valentine's!! Now I'm getting ready to drop a few bombs so seek shelter immediately!! Please keep in mind that all is not what it seems! Also I'm anticipating your WTF!! Please check out the video.... Really goes along with the chapter!!! Remember... I love you!! Hmmmm... Those word's sound familiar!! Who can recall who spoke them???


The last sentence that Laney spoke sent dread through my soul. This was all happening sooner than I anticipated. I needed more time to conduct my business.

See here's the thing, Laney isn't the only one who hides thing's, I do as well. In fact I've hidden secrets concerning the business, killings and deals from her as well. What do you expect? Remember I am the King and certain thing's must be kept top secret. It's not because I don't trust my baby doll, I trust her with my life. I keep certain thing's from her for her own protection.

Of course some of the secrets I've kept involve broken promises that she knows nothing about. I guess you could say I have a small, secret life I keep from her and trust me it's so hard. Laney is so smart and always a step ahead so I've went through extra measures to keep these secrets locked away. But the once she could discover how could really be damaging.

Yes, I'm aware that I sound like a hypocrite especially since I just punished her for being sneaky but I punish her because I'm so scared she will end up dead. Laney is my most prized possession and I do it to keep her safe, try to make her see how deadly her actions can be. But I'm not putting her down for running her own missions. If anything I'm proud of her strength and smarts. Remember, I've always believed that Laney is just like me in every sense. And as I mentioned before I've broken promises that she has no idea that have been broken.

The first promise was Dillon. Laney was attached to him when she came to New York all those year's ago to weasel me out of my land. Long story short he beat her and it's why Laney discovered what I was. Yes, I roughed him up but allowed him to live simply because of Laney. Well I only let him live for a few month's. Yes, I had him killed. Then there was a business associate that Laney slipped out to meet. She spent an entire evening with him and it's what made me place chain's on her. Naturally I agreed to let him live but a simple car bomb took him out a year later. There's been more as well but I'll spare the details. Simply put.... No one messes with what is mine.

But this secret I'm withholding from her now is a big one. Yes, we all agreed to wait before we took out Marcus. We had just discovered that Laney was alive and it took a lot to get her back home. We needed a break and to heal but most importantly I wanted her to myself for awhile. Once thing's begin to normal I secretly started searching for Marcus. He was slick, I'll give him that but not slick enough.

I was lucky enough to discover that he was seeing a lady from the city. However he wasn't hiding here. He visited from time to time but mostly bounced around the map, never stay put for long. This made it hard to track him and pin point his whereabouts but this lady of his could very well lead me to him. Naturally I researched her and she's exactly what I thought she would be.... A gold digger. Natalie is her name and she ties herself to wealthy men to resume a flashy lifestyle. She isn't just dating Marcus but other's as well including me.

Don't start jumping to conclusions. It's not what you think. Occasionally I take her out to dinner but I have never laid a finger upon her. I give her cash to shop, nice dinners and flowers but I have no desire whatsoever to be with her. In fact I don't even find her attractive. I'm soley doing this to pump her about Marcus. Other than that I have no intentions concerning her. I'm basically using her for information and so far she has been fruitful.

She's mentioned that Marcus likes to visit New Mexico often and has a place there. Currently I have men scoping the area out but so far no Marcus. She also let slide that Marcus seems to be important because he's always surrounded by men even on their dates. This tells me that Marcus is rebuilding and forming an army. Natalie claims that she never knows when Marcus will be in town. He usually just calls when he arrives so they can meet up. She says he never stays long.

Knowing that he is brave enough to enter my city has me worried. Is he planning something or simply scoping me out. Perhaps he has a secret location here already supplied with men. It really doesn't sit well with me. Natalie has no clue about my bad blood with Marcus. In fact she doesn't even know that I know him at all. Of course she knows who I am. Anyone from the city knows who I am. As soon as I told her my last name I had her and using my charm I swindle info out of her concerning Marcus.

Occasionally she has asked me about my baby doll but discussing my wife is strictly off limits and I quickly redirect the conversation. It's hard enough sharing a few hour's occasionally with this woman the last thing I want to do is discuss my beautiful wife with her. Besides if she were to say anything about baby doll there's a chance I would shoot her dead in the middle of the restaurant.

On my last date with her I gave her a brief hug goodbye but only to drop a tracker in her purse. This way I can possibly track her when she's with Marcus.

But here's the big problem now... My wife. After she killed Geraldo she found a new determination... Marcus. With Laney doing her own research now she could very well find me out and think the worse. The only thing I can't endure is losing my baby doll.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now