Friend Zone

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"Ughhhh" I groaned as I placed my arm over my eye's trying to keep the sunlight out.

Upon waking up I tried to piece together the events of last night but there was nothing there, no recollection whatsoever. The last thing I remember was meeting Tyler at The Bungalow with intentions of robbing him but now I was only left with confusion. Did I get into the safe? How did I end up at my home? Why do I feel as if I was in a train wreck and why can't I remember anything? The harder I thought the worse my head hurt.

My intentions was to continue to lay in bed and hide from the world but my bladder refused to cooperate. Grunting out a few choice word's, I slowly set up which was a bad mistake. Immediately my room started spinning but I had to reach the bathroom. Glad only in my panties, I leaned over the side of the bed until my hands were pressed firmly in the floor. Only then did I slide off of my mattress meeting my plush carpet. Forcing myself onto my knees I begin a slow crawl. Yes, I crawled to my bathroom because walking right now just wasn't an option. Once I hit the cool bathroom tile I pulled myself up onto the toilet. As I took care of my business, I leaned my head against the wall and nearly dozed back off.

Thinking that a bath might clear my mind and make me feel better, I stretched my leg out and used my foot to turn the water on. Working up the courage to move again, I basically just scooted myself off of the toilet and right into the tub. I just laid there as the shower rained down on me. "Come here soap, I need you soap". I sang out in hopes that the bar would just magically walk to me.

Once again, using my foot I tried to wrangle up the soap which didn't work out too well. The slippery bastard slid from my reach. "I fucking hate you soap". I snorted.

Eventually I maneuvered around until I reached it. After trying to give myself a half assed scrubbing, I once again used my feet to turn the water off. Extended my arm toward the towel rack I yanked the cloth free and basically just let it lay over me like a blanket. I would have laid here the remainder of the day had I not become cold. Using what little strength that I could muster, I pulled myself from the tub. Wrapping the towel around me, I grabbed my toothbrush and smeared a glob of peppermint toothpaste onto the bristles. As I lazily brushed my teeth, I made my way to my kitchen using the help of the wall's. Not bothering to use a cup, I turned the sink tap on and cupped my hands filling them with water to rinse my mouth. Making a series of hideous gargling sounds, I spit the water into the sink. Gross I know but I feel like the walking dead right now. Reaching under my cabinet, I selected my disinfectant spray and saturated the sink. That will have to do until I can properly clean it.

Tucking my rinsed off toothbrush behind my ear until I could make it back to my bathroom, I made it to the fridge. Grabbing a bottle of water I chugged it down then released a burp worthy enough to put a caveman to shame. Closing the fridge door back I leaned my forehead up against it and made a few fake crying whimpers. "Oh my God, I think I'm dying".

" No, no. You're very much alive going by all the old man noises you've been making for the past thirty minutes ". A voice pierced the silence of my home.

With my heart pattering, I spun around which rewarded me with a new dizzy spell. Sitting there like the devil himself was King and by the looks of my couch he had been here throughout the night. My mouth opened but formed no word's. My brain was still too numb to digest what was going on. As I stood staring at him slack jawed a volcano of embarrassment erupted inside me. From where he was sitting he had the perfect view of my morning crawl of shame to the bathroom and every show I put on from there. Now here I was standing in the kitchen in only a towel with a toothbrush tucked behind my ear. To say that I was mortified was an understatement. Then As if karma thought it hadn't out me through enough my towel slid from my body. Frozen to my spot out of shear disbelief I watched as Kings eye's devoured my body and settled on the sweet spot nestled between my legs. Finally snapping out of my coma like state, I shrieked and jerked the towel back around me. "Don't be shy now Ginger Snap. Why it was just a few hour's ago that you was begging me to fuck you".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now