Wildcard Up My Sleeve

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Thirty minutes had passed since I left Kings apartment to continue searching for that demon I call my wife. Eventually I was able to locate her by tracking the many tiny child that I had tucked away along her body.

To my anger as well as my amazement I found her down below in one of the casinos. There she was, submerged in a game of poker with nothing but men... Men that were checking her out might I add. Pulling a vacant stool from the bar, I sat upon it and leaned my back against the mahogany bar that was scarred with Knicks and cigar burns. With a flick of my wrist I signaled the bar keep over. As if I needed any more spirit's, I placed my order and returned my attention to baby doll.

Seems that I wasn't the only one lit anymore. Laney generously sipped from a whiskey glass and I knew her well enough to know that she was pass tipsy. Instead of interrupting her game of card's and prying her away from those men whose eye's were devouring her, I decided to set back and watch. I wanted to see just what baby doll was up to. Was she simply blowing off steam after I upset her or did she have other motives in mind?

It wasn't long before I had my answer. Baby doll was definitely up to no good. I watched as she deliberately leaned over letting these men have an eye full of her delectable cleavage. However it wasn't because she wanted their attention. Baby doll wanted to distract them, shake them up and scatter their minds. She was using her boobs to run interference on the men's card playing strategies. Dirty play but then again baby doll has never went by a playbook. No, she's always called the shots as she went and watching her now I should suspect no less.

What I didn't know was what was her scheme? What was she planning on pulling off? Then it happened, faster than a bolt of lightening. Taking a sip from her glass she purposefully let a few dribbles of the good stuff trickle from her lips splashing her pushed up chest. With a flirty grin I watched her lips move. "Clumsy me". She purred as she dabbed a napkin to her chest.

No, that spill was accidental. That dribble was deliberate and while the men's attention was glued to her breasts I watched Laney slip a card from her sleeve. In the next hand she takes in the big one's. Still the question remained... Was she doing this just because she could or was there something there that I didn't see?

The game continued on for half an hour or so yet still I didn't pick up on anything significant other than Laney scamming these guy's. Soon the game came to a close but baby doll lingered back chatting up a man estimated to be in his thirties. Why that damn little cougar I cringed as I watched her lay the lines on thick. It wasn't long before Laney led him out by his hand. You can bet your ass that I wasn't far behind waiting for something to happen.

They came to a stop at a rental car that I had purchased upon arriving here but it wasn't parked where I had left it. No, it had been moved and now sat in a darker corner away from the public's view. I knew then that baby doll was up to something but I still didn't know what. They stood near the back of the car chatting and laughing and I can't deny that my blood wasn't heating up. Even if this is all a ruse, I don't like to see my baby doll giving attention to another man.

And just as she let a school girl giggled ring out she removed her gun from her thigh. Before the guy could react Laney had cracked the butt of the gun over his head. I watched as the man crumbled to the ground out cold. Laney stepped over him but was sure to give him a swift kick to the ribs. Popping the car's trunk, I watched as she struggled to sit the man up right. Leaning his frame against the bumper, she tried to lift him up into the trunk but was failing terribly.

This is where I came in. Striding over with my hands buried in my pockets ever so quietly, I asked in a humorous tone. "What you got going on here baby doll?"

Laney jumped and nearly pulled her gun. "Don't you know better than to sneak up on people especially pissed people?" She growled.

"Obviously not". I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now