Facing The Monster

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My heart ached as I cradled my grandson. The torturous wounds that covered his body were in dire need of medical attention. Stroking his hair gently as to not cause more pain I spoke to him as if he were still a child. "I'm here now. Don't worry, you're safe and help will be here soon my sweet baby. This bastard will pay, I promise you that".

Shooting Seth a fierce glare, I had to remind myself that this would be Alice's kill. She had to be the one in order to prove her loyalty to the family and that she wasn't a part of this. Still grazing CJ's hair I spoke to Alice. "You will kill Seth and then I must go. As soon as I leave contact London and tell where you are and that CJ needs immediate medical attention" .

"There's no need to call me because I'm already here and help is on the way".

Instantly my blood froze at the sound of that voice. Both Alice and I turned toward from where the voice came. There he stood blocking my only path out of here. Slowly I made my way to a standing position and his eye's followed me, my every movement. These were dark, dangerous eye's.... Eyes of a monster. There was no remorse or sympathy hidden in their depths. I was facing the London that everyone feared, the one that could take out a room full of men alone. This was the man I had dealt with on a few occasions when I had pushed him to far and it was obvious that in this moment I had pushed him to the limit.

" Thank you Alice for running off. Had you not, Sire wouldn't have went looking for you. Just my luck that he arrived at your place just in time enough to see my lovely wife carry you off. He followed you here and called me". London smirked.

Alice stood there looking between the two of us and remaining mute. Deciding to take action and determined to show London that his presence didn't phase me in the least, I trained my gun on him. "I have a job to see to then I will be on my way. Don't get in my way".

Keeping the gun on London I thrust orders to Alice. "Kill him and prove yourself" .

"This should be CJ's kill". London barked.

"Not this time. Alice needs to do this and prove her loyalty for reasons you aren't aware of". I hissed.

Crossing his arm's, he cocked an eyebrow. "Then by all means enlighten me babydoll".

Not allowing his sarcasm to get to me I stated. "Alice was deceived into believing that Seth was a therapist, hers to be exact. When in fact Seth worked for Marcus. She needs to kill Seth and prove herself" .

"Is that so Alice?" London inquired not taking my word.

Alice humbly nodded her head. Eager to get this on so I could flee I barked out. "Kill him Alice. His time is up".

Seth laid on the floor already in pain from the bullet in his knee mumbling incoherently. "I-I have no weapon". Alice spoke apologetically.

Trying to hide my annoyance, I slid my hand beneath my skirt and produced a knife. "Here". I said extending it to her.

Alice retrieved the knife with nervous hands and slowly approached Seth. "Don't do this Alice". Seth begin to beg.

"Don't allow her to control you. Remember you like me, we can be good together".

" Stop, just shut up". Alice shouted.

"You used me to get to the Harper's. You betrayed my trust and hurt people that I care about. I opened up to you thinking that you was a therapist. You played on my emotions and have probably set me back on my recovery. You deserve to die". Alice's voice grew stronger as she spoke.

Keeping my eye on London's whereabouts, I watched as a new Alice prevailed. A stronger woman determined to right a wrong replaced the meek one. Everything that I believed had been in her all along was emerging before my eye's. She was taking charge and the nerves that had embodied her were quickly vanishing. I watched as she knelt down to Seth. Gripping a handful of his hair, she twisted his neck until he was looking up at her. "You made a fatal mistake when you messed with my family" .

Swiftly, she ran the knife up through the bottom of his chin causing the blade to protrude up through his mouth. Alice watched as he took his last gurgling breaths. Once Seth was taken care of I turned my attention back to London. "My job is done here. I will be going now".

That devilish smirk creased his face. "I don't think so baby doll".

" I have work to complete and no time to contend with what you want. I'm going to walk out this door and I dare you to try and stop me". I threatened.

Our eye's remained locked on each other and I continued to keep my gun trained on him. Ever so slowly I started inching my way to the staircase. London remained standing in front of it as if he were stone. "Step aside". I ordered when I was close to three feet from him.

To my amazement, London took one large stride to the side allowing me access to the exit. However i didn't trust him so I didn't let my guard down. Staring him down, I begin my trek toward the first step. Slowly I begin to back my way up the stairs never allowing him out of my sight. As I was midway up, London suddenly lunged at me tackling me onto the stairs. Immediately I begin to fight for my freedom as he expertly disarmed me. At this point I was trying anything to get out of his grip. Taking my thumbs, I dug them into his eye's. "You foolish bitch. You are coming home where you belong and we will fix this". London growled prying my hands away from his eye's.

" Let me go you bastard. " I seethed.

"I have a job to complete and I will not allow you to screw it up". I screamed.

" Let me help you". He barked.

"Never. I don't trust you either" . I spat.

London's fist came crashing down inches from my head. He continued to deliver a series of blows to the closest step. Gripping my upper arm's, he jerked me up until our noses nearly touched. The crazed monster was evident in his eye's. "You don't fucking trust me?" He boomed.

" After all of these year's you're willing to take some motherfuckers word over mine? "

Suddenly my body was being rattled as he shook me vigorously. "You don't know what I've been through" . I shot back.

"No babydoll, you don't know the hell I've been in thinking you were dead. Then by the grace of God I discover that you are alive yet I still grieve you because you refuse to come home, to talk to me. Can't you see what Marcus is doing to us. He's winning and you don't fucking care". London roared.

" I know what I'm doing London". I demanded.

"Then come home and let's do this together" . He tried to reason.

"I can't do that".

" Why? "

"Because what if it's you. What if this is just a ploy so you can finish me off". I accused.

London released me As if I had burnt him. He stood up and spoke through ragged breaths. "Then go. Leave. I have run myself ragged trying to find you. Worried myself sick that Marcus will harm you. I am your husband and I have loved you over half of my life. I'd never hurt you but if it's Marcus you believe than get the hell out. Fucking Go but know this..... I. Will. Kill. Him".

" You don't understand what I went through London. After I healed from the attack I was told all of these sordid tales. When I refused to believe them I was beaten, starved. Eventually I didn't know what was the truth. "

"I am the truth". London screamed jabbing his thumb into his chest.

Not knowing what to do, where to turn I started making my way up the stairs as London watched me pull away. Finally having made it up the stairs I was near the front door when I heard London's feet rampaging up the stairs. Racing to open the door, I had just turned the handle when two strong arm's wrapped around me in a vice like grip. "You baby doll are going to take me to Marcus right now".

I tried to break free but it was useless not to mention that London placed his favorite dagger to my neck. The same dagger that he tossed at me several time's. The same dagger he had teased my body with on numerous occasions. My body went still in his arm's as I gave up the fight. As he forced me toward his Porsche, I glanced down at the blade hovering at my neck and noticed that his finger rested between the blade and my neck so if I made any sudden movements the blade would catch him and leave me without a scratch.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now