Black Sheep

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"You'll never learn will you kid. What, this makes how many time's we've arrested you now? The only thing that saves you is your last name. Yep, your father continuously bails you out and makes it all disappear but here's a news flash kid... We are on to the Harper's. Their year's of dirty deeds is about to catch up to them". The fat bastard laughed.

I continued to look out of the patrol car window at the passing scenery. Pretending to sniff the air I asked. "What's that smell? You smell it?"

The passenger cop turned to look at me. "Sit back and shut up". He said lazily.

" Oh wait, I know that smell. It's fucking bacon pig's. By the way, you'll all look like fool's for investigating my family because you will turn up nothing. Just another way for you pig's to waste tax payers dollar's ". I laughed.

" I hate this little fucker". The driver mumbled.

Once at the station I was jerked from the car and the fat fuck sent his fist flying into my gut. "I'd love nothing more than to beat you to a pulp".

" Say's the guy who is uncuffed. Better watch your back copper". I warned.

I went through the all too familiar procedures of being processed then was escorted to a cell where I would await my Pape. No doubt in my mind that I would receive another ass beating for my newest stunt. It was two week's ago that I was arrested for ramming a cop car but in my defense I was innocent... This time.

My mom's birthday was coming up and I wanted to get her something special so I went to her favorite clothing store. After making my purchase I went to get into my car when a copper pulled up blocking me in. "Son is that your car?" He questioned.

Yea, okay so maybe I do dress a little rough around the edges but that gave him no right to profile me.  "What's it to you?" I snorted opening my car door up.

"" Step away from the vehicle son. I need to see proof that this fine car belongs to you". He demanded.

So yea, I was pissed that he automatically assumed that I was a theif due to my looks and may be I should've thought it through a bit more but instead I flicked him off and proceeded to get into my car. Without giving him another thought, I fired my engine up and I like to say that I gently nudged his car out of the way but the truth is that I plowed the hell out of it. Within hour's I was picked up and booked. I

The night wore on as I awaited to be released. Well, my wait this time nearly lasted all day. I assume that my Pape made me sit here longer just to punish me. However i was confused when I saw my brother Heir walk in grinning. "You are so fucking dead lil bro. Pape is home building your casket with his bare hands as we speak." .

"Why didn't he come?" I asked surprised that he sent someone else to fetch me.

"Claims he couldn't come this time because he would kill you right here at the station and it would be too many damn witness 's."

The cell doors clicked open and I stepped out. Sneering at the cop nearby I said. "I'll be back pig".

Heir gripped my arm and pulled me along to keep me from being throwed back in jail. The ride home was silent but I knew that would change as soon as I arrived home. My hope was to come in and shower followed by eating a little something but I knew that wouldn't be happening. I'm sure my Pape had other plans for me. Taking a deep breath I entered with Heir on my heels. I rounded the corner to the kitchen and was somewhat shocked to see Zoe sitting there along with her father Conner. I think the shit just got deeper.

" Beautiful morning huh? " I asked sarcastically reaching for a scone that sat on a test in the center of the table.

Before I could reach it a heavy hand came down on the back of my neck. "Don't touch my food. As a matter of fact don't touch a damn thing that I pay for".

" morning Pape". I said flatly.

My body was jerked around to face him. "The fucks wrong with you? Are you deliberately trying to bring attention to the family? The fuck you do now?"

I opened my mouth to speak but was quickly silenced as the back of my Pape's hand slammed into my mouth. "Don't even speak. I can't trust shit that comes out of your mouth. I'll ask Zoe what the truth is since she was there".

All eye's turned toward her and she seemed nervous. I had to wonder if she would tell the truth or cover for her copper boyfriend. "I really don't know how it started because I wasn't nearby but when I did see it Duel was hitting a cop".

I shook my head along with smirking at his age just sided with her boyfriend. "Is that how it went down Duel?" My Pape asked.

Laughing, I tossed my hands in the air. "Yea, sure. Whatever Zoe said".

Unbeknownst to everyone else I sent her a sharp glare for throwing me under the bus. I almost blurted out revealing her little copper boyfriend but I stopped myself. As I looked her way her face held no guilt for having lied. "What the fuck am I going to do about you Duel? I can't let you out of my sight and you are continuously putting the family at risk. You're irresponsible and seem not to care. I refuse to let you be our downfall. Start packing, I'm sending you back off until your learn how to behave. You're too much of a risk and threat to your own family".

Sprouting up from my chair, I glared my Pape down. "I'm not going any fucking where. I'm eighteen now so you can't control me".

" The hell I can't ". He boomed and hit me again.

I don't know what overcame me but I snapped and punched him in the mouth. Never have any of us ever hit or even tried to hit Pape no matter the situation. He wiped the dabble of blood from his chin and spoke in a scary yet calm tone. "Conner, you guy's are good to go. I have it from here".

As soon as the door closed behind them my Pape was on me giving me the beating of my life. My only saving grace was my mom coming to my rescue and pulling Pape from off of me. Every bone in my body aches but I stood up and seethed. "No matter what you say, I'm not going anywhere" .

Pape lunged at me again but my mom placed herself between us. "Duel just go to your room". Mom instructed.

Sneering his way, I stormed off to my room. However later that night I managed to slip out. I had a score to handle. Obtaining some gasoline, I made my way to the police station. Sneaking about I doused the outside in gasoline then stood back as I  lit the match. "Run piggy piggy's". I smirked as I dropped the match and watched the police department go up in flames.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now