Eye's Wide Shut

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Yea, l know it's been awhile but I've been down with the crud. I'm feeling a little better today. Trust me, at one point I was ready to go into my back yard and dig my own grave and I'm probably sporting a six pack now from all of the coughing! My energy levels haven't quite returned but I'm getting there!
Just a heads up, this chap is going to send you reeling backwards down a steep hill with rocks and other jagged objects at the bottom. Grab your wine, tissues and well... Good luck!
Be sure to check out the music before reading... Helps set the mood!

My hands stuffed deep into the pockets of pants, I paced around the waiting room waiting to hear any news about my Pape. After finding Marcus's wife Cinda dead, my Pape fell out. Not over finding her but probably shear exhaustion and loss of blood from the stab wound on his leg. Immediately we rushed him back to the Den to be seen at our own medical facility.

Now the entire family stood by waiting for any word on his condition. Most were dozing off and on or downing coffee trying to stay focused. As for me, my mind was a wonderland and I felt guilty that my entire thoughts weren't on my Pape or my family's current crisis. No, my mind was stuck on Frankie and wondering where she could be. My men have had no luck in tracking her down and I keep dialing her number even though I know I'll get the same results. It's hard when you want to be in two places at the same time. My family needs me but I need her.

Pouring myself another cup of coffee I heard the doors to my Pape's room open up. Leaving my unmade coffee behind, I joined the other's gathering around the doctor. We all looked at him as if we were waiting for him to tell us what the secret to life was. Impatiently, Demarco spoke up. "You've kept us waiting long enough. What's the stats?"

The doctor gave a nervous grin. "Mr. Harper will be okay. I cleaned his sound and stiched him up. He was a little dehydrated so there's an IV pumping fluids into him. I also have him something to help him sleep so I'm guessing he will be out for the next several hour's. My advice to you all would be to let him rest and come back later this evening. If anything changes I will give you a call".

" No. I'm staying with him". Miri insisted.

The doctor nodded knowing it wouldn't be wise to argue with any of us. After the doctor left we spoke quietly amongst each other and begin to trickle off one by one. Not bothering to undress, I flopped down on my Pape's bed and eventually drifted off into a restless sleep. Some time later I was awoken by a damp towel being tossed over my head. Slinging it away, I sprang up from my sleeping state to see my Pape standing at the end of the bed fresh from a shower. Rubbing my eye's, I glanced at my watch to see that it was only two in the afternoon. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

Raking a hand through his wet hair he replied. "Yea, well I've got to much going on to sleep".

I watched as he went to the dresser to retrieve him some clothes and couldn't help but admire him. For his age he was still very physically fit and caught the eye's of many women. I could only hope to be as healthy as him at that age. Taking a closer look I saw the many scars that decorated his body, each with a very different story to tell. This man had lived a thousand lives and yet still stood here breathing. Sitting up, I asked. "How did you get out of there?"

" I stood up and left".

"How did you handle Miri?"

Pape grinned. "She was asleep".

No sooner than those word's left his lips Miri's voice could be heard calling him as she entered. "What do you think you're doing?"

" Working".

"No you're not. You're supposed to rest up for a few day's, doctor's orders. Besides Dem and the other's can handle thing's for a bit".

" Mirimosa, it's not up for discussion. I've already lost too much valuable time. I suggest you tell the other's to meet me at the Den in thirty".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now