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Several day's have passed since I had it out with London and he wrecked my chaise. Since then I haven't uttered a word to him, much less look at him. In fact I've stayed with Miri since then. Yes, London has tried to speak to me but I turn my head the other way and walk on it I just don't answer my phone.

All of us women have been fulfilling our duties at the Den but none of us rarely speak to each other. No, we aren't mad, our head's are filled with our own worries and just not up for conversation. It's strange but we all seem to have a sort of brokenness about us. Our spirit seems to have hibernated. I'm not sure how the other's faired with their men but it's obvious that it wasn't good.

Right now I'm too emotional drained to strike back but it will probably come. Having my chaise destroyed almost feels like I've lost a limb. Out of everything London destroyed he had to go after my heart, my chaise. Yes, I know it's just a chair but to me it's so much more. A lifetime of memories are woven into it's fabric. It was the first gift London gave me. It's where he gifted me with diamond earrings. I rocked my babies to sleep on it. London and I had made love in it numerous time's. It's where I would relax when sick and London would bring me my coffee. It was the first time that London exhibited any form of love. Yes, during that time in our beginnings London wasn't too great at showing emotion or expressing his love. Giving me this chair was the only way he knew how to show his love at the time. This chair was partly the reason I stayed after I discovered just who and what he was. As he sat me free I looked back at him as I opened the door and he looked utterly devastated. Then I saw the chaise from the corner of my eye and I knew then that he truly loved me. It sounds silly but if only you knew how unemotional London was on the love subject back then. Giving me that gift took a lot for him to do and made him feel weak and vulnerable for the first time in his life. I had tamed the monster.

I guess you could say that seeing him thrash my chaise broke my heart. Nothing feels the same now. That chaise held our bond as much as our wedding rings do. Now I'm left in limbo wondering what this means for us. London had just as well tossed his wedding ban at me, crushing my chaise had the same effect.

Trying to shake the bad feelings and get back to the task at hand I heard Geraldo speak. "Mrs. Harper, are you well?"

Not realizing that I had been crying, I quickly swiped the tears away and came up with something on the spot. "Yes, thank you. I just finished cutting onions".

Geraldo stared at me knowingly. "Forgive me queen but no onions have been cut".

I stared down at the produce before me and saw the onions sitting there. I was actually chopping carrots. "Yea, I'm just tired".

Geraldo had been with the family since Dem was born. He was around my age and the head chef here. His wife passed in her sleep several year's ago from an ongoing illness and his children moved away and shunned the business. However they mean no harm. They would never risk their lives as well as their father's. Geraldo moved closer and gently laid his hand on my shoulder as a friend would do. "Forgive me for saying so my queen but you deserve better. I've seen the kings mistreatment of you over the year's and I'm appalled. You're way to beautiful to endure such a life".

Giving a small laugh I replied. "All is well Geraldo. Don't worry about me and please do not speak ill of the King. All marriages have their trials".

" true but he abuses you in many forms. You just deserve better".

Eager to end this uncomfortable conversation I gently removed his hand from my shoulder and spoke. "Thanks for your concern but I should really return to work".

As I turned to go I felt myself being pulled back and before I could react Geraldo crashed his lips upon mine. I tried to shove him off but he was stouter than I assumed. Thinking quickly, I rammed my knee in his crotch and managed to break free. Normally I would have killed any man who tried to force themself on me but my mind was on overload due to everything going on and I ran out.

My stomach churned and I swept into the nearest bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach. Never had I felt so dirty, so degraded, so violated. Image's of Angelo arose and I only heaved more. Image's of the two men that was responsible for shooting me that time and leaving me in a coma surfaced. Image's of Marcus sprung up and it was if I could feel all of these men's hands on me, touching me, forcing me. I don't know why but a dam broke inside and a sob escaped... But the queen doesn't cry right?

There was no stopping it though. Sliding down the wall to sit on the floor i brought my knees to my chest and buried my head as my body was racked with sobs.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now