According To Plan

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Nearly a week has passed since I've been King's little captive. He was right about one thing... There was no escaping this time. I've tried every avenue but his men are everywhere.

After stumbling in drunk the second night of my stay, I lashed out at him and berated him for his drunkness. Needless to say, I was given the guest bedroom the next morning. This way I wouldn't be crashed on his couch watching and criticizing his behavior. My prying eye's would be hidden from his coming and goings. Since I moved to the guest bedroom I rarely see him but I always hear him stumbling in late at night going on drunken rants.

Then one day after I finished eating lunch in my room in he barges. "It's time. Shaw Billings will be at a medical dinner event tonight. I scored you a ticket and will have a dress delivered shortly". Turning on his heel to go, I snapped.

" Hey. What am I suppose to do? "

Giving me a daft look he half smirked. "Do what you do best. Lure him in, get back to his place and do whatever it takes to snag that paper".

" Oh. So simple huh? " I asked sarcastically then went into a tirade.

"News flash King. Moving fast won't work. I need time to scope the place out and determine where the deed might be. Besides if I go home with him immediately he will expect something from me and I don't do that... Ever.... For no one or no debt".

Rolling his eye's, he exhaled. "Relax. I have it covered. I'm supplying you with a charm necklace that has a hidden camera and mic. I'll see everything. You will also be given a bangle bracelet. The clasp screws off and inside will be a very potent poison. When you get to his place entice him to have a drink but you insist upon making it. Drop in Three drops. Anymore than that could be deadly. In moment's he will be out cold for several hour's and you have free run of the house".

" Ha. Says you. Do you honestly believe that a man of that wealth doesn't have security? "

Shaking his head, he near whispered. "So little trust in me you have. That's very disappointing Frankie. To ease your mind I'll have you know that all the bases are covered. My men will interfere with his surveillance camera's. There will be no trace of you having been there. His bedroom is across the hall from the bar area. I'm almost certain you'll find the deed in there."

" I'm sure Shaw will have it in a safe". I proclaimed.

"Good thing you are a safe cracking expert then". King said smartly.

Crossing my arm's, I could visually see my hatred for this man like a cloud of haze. I kept repeating inside my head that I do this one job and I'll never see him again.

By three that afternoon the dress King had selected arrived. I must admit that it was lovely and was sure to grab a man's attention. After dressing, I placed a few Bobbie pins in my hair just in case I needed for the safe. Exiting the room, King stood by waiting on me. "You ready? He inquired.

Irritated, I huffed to the door. "Yes. The sooner I do this, the sooner I can get away from you".

" Yea, yea, yea. Save all that spice for the job".

It wasn't long before the car I was given to ride in was pulling in front of the casino where the dinner would be held. Upon stepping out, I showed the attendee my invitation and was directed to the lounge. The room was already filled with the elite of Vegas not to mention lavishly decorated. Purple lights illuminated off of every table giving the place a inviting vibe. Grabbing a flute of champagne from a walking waiter, I pretended to sip as I scanned the room for Shaw. My eye's diverted to a location that was filled with make laughter. There he was, the target was in my sights. Naturally he was surrounded by heaps of powerful, rich men and they all laughed as if they really enjoyed whatever lame story he had just told. Cigar smoke swirled about their heads  giving them a most deadly allure.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now