Smoke Lines

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Hello love's!!

Sorry it's been awhile inbetween updates but this chapter was tricky to write and I needed time. I'm afraid this chapter will leave you with a lot of questions as well as question loyalties. You'll probably be mad and sad so buckle up for the roller coaster ride! And welll.... I'm doing it I'm pulling the rug out from under you just when you thought it would all fall into place!!

Take a deep breath and begin.... Oh, and in London's famous word's "remember I love you".

As I sat across the table from Natalie my mind was on Laney. Many time's I've tried to confess my meetings with Natalie but the word's always failed me. Fear seized my throat and wouldn't allow me to speak. I feared that I had went too far even though I had no romantic intentions concerning Natalie. Not once did I touch her as a lover. Not once did I bestow loving word's upon her. Never could I do that to another woman. Laney was my all and everything but my worry was that she wouldn't see these meetings as innocent as I believe them to be. I'm certain that Laney will be furious which is understandable but how far would she take her anger?

As Natalie rambled on about the newest shoes that she had purchased I wanted to get up and just walk out, go home to my baby doll and fill her in on everything. In fact I was just about to do just that when Natalie mentioned Marcus. Instantly my ears perked up as she spoke. "I'm afraid I won't be able to see you tomorrow. I'm expecting Marcus to arrive".

Nodding my head in understanding I begin to pick her brain without being too obvious. "That's a shame. I'll truly miss your company. Tell me though, where will Marcus take you? It must be some place spectacular considering you're pushing me aside".

Not that I cared that she was cancelling on me but I figured if I knew where to find Marcus I could finally end this. "Oh you know how Marcus is, he never tells me until last minute" .

"Hmmm... Well maybe I'll have the luck to meet the man that steals you from me". I nearly choked out.

Natalie didn't give anymore details away so I soon ended the date. I couldn't wait to get home to my wife and as I drove I convinced myself to come clean. I had to let her know before she found out on her own.

Full of determination I raced up to our place as I mentally practiced what I would say. I tried to prepare myself for the many reactions I might receive from Laney but no amount of preparation could ever ready me. As I opened the door and stepped into our home something seemed off. Normally there was lights on and noise from the t.v. But not tonight. Instead the house was dark and quiet except for soft music playing in the background. Upon listening closer I detected the music to be that of Madem Butterfly.

As I stepped further into my home I saw a small table set up by the viewing window. A white tablecloth adorned it and a vase of fresh yellow roses sat in the center. Candles added a soft, romantic glow to the atmosphere as I caught a wiff of Laneys perfume. Turning I saw her exiting the kitchen carrying a bottle of wine and two champagne flutes. As she spotted me she smiled. "I didn't expect you home so soon. I sat this up thinking we could use a night like this. Go ahead and sit down" . She said as she gave me a kiss.

This Didn't seem strange After all. Occasionally one of us would surprise the other with a nice evening. As Laney walked back toward the kitchen she called over her shoulder. "I made your favorite, Ravioli" .

I chuckled. "Isn't that your favorite baby doll?"

"Does it matter London?" She quirked her eyebrow at me.

Moments later we both sat down to enjoy the food and each other's company. "So how was this meeting?" Laney asked.

Here was my chance. I could come clean right now but I'd spoil our meal as well as night and I couldn't do it. After dinner I will tell her. "Nothing special. Same thing over and over and no valuable information" .

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now