Not Totally Convinced

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Hey there!

So who is going insane wondering when and if Laney and London will ever repair their relationship??

Have your wine and ice cream ready, maybe even tissues. There is a major twist on the way that perhaps will upset a few... Oh hell, who am I kidding. Utter devastation is up ahead.... You were warned. Thanks for reading💓

Shoving Laney into my car through the drivers side door, I slid in beside her. Bringing the engine to life, I pulled away from the curb. Laney remained silent so I assumed this was her way to irritate me further. Never in my life had I wanted to strangle a person so bad. In fact I've had several of those moment's with this woman but I'd cut my own hands off before I hurt her. From the moment I laid eye's on her she breathed life into my soul. I was never really living until I met Laney Valor.

This creature worked her way under my skin in a matter of minutes and embedded there like a tattoo. For the first time in my life I cared for someone and wanted to protect her as if she was the Holy Grail. To this very day, all these year's later I still felt the same, probably even more so.

As we sat at a red light I saw her delicate hand inch toward the door handle. I smiled to myself as I thought this is so her. "I wouldn't if I were you". I growled.

Her hand froze and eventually found it's way back to rest on her lap. "Your threats don't phase me in the least London Harper. I will only ask this once so listen up, let me out of this car or else".

She left her threat open which only goaded me further. "Or else what?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm .

Before I could react Laney swiftly removed a knife from her stomach area. Before I could blink the blade rested along my jugular. "Pull this fucking car over". She gritted out.

Showing no concern for the knife pressed against my neck, I pushed my foot down harder on the accelerator. "Killing me will be the only way you will ever escape baby doll. I'm going to talk and you are going to listen". I ordered.

Not waiting for an answer I begin to spill my guts out to her. I was Never really a man to show weakness or emotion but this wildcat always made me want to pour my heart out to her. Plenty of time's throughout our year's together I bleed my soul bare to her and never felt any shame for doing so. Having so much to say yet not knowing where to begin, I opened my mouth and let my first thought roll off of my tongue. "You was my first love baby doll. Never had anyone else made this surge of feelings erupt inside of me. My heart was a volcano and you the lava. You burned your way into every fiber of my being. Fuck, I tried so hard to fight it for the longest time. Remember baby doll, we spent a solid week together on that beach. I kept telling myself that once I crawled between your legs and had my feel I'd be cured. Damn was I wrong. The only cure was for me to love you and you to love me back. Without your love I'm not me, I'm sick."

Pulling the car over So I could look into her ocean blue eye's, I turned toward her. "Look at me baby doll" . I whispered.

Ever so slowly she tilted her face to look up at me. Having no control over my emotions once her eye's sought mine a lone tear escaped my eye and made a slow descent down my cheek. "Lany I have loved you from the moment you picked me up on the side of the road. I loved you when you walked back into my life two year's later demanding my property. I loved you when you walked out on me during Conner and Ela's pre wedding getaway. You broke my heart that day but still I loved you."

I had to pause to take a deep breath but it was no use. My tears begin to flow and when I spoke again my voice was raspy. "You're breaking my heart now baby doll and it hurts so bad. I've been shot, stabbed, even tortured but none of that pain compares to this. Do you know how many time's I considered taking my own life just so I could join you in death? The only thing that prevented me from doing so was hurting our kid's even more.   That's right baby doll, our kid's. The incredible, perfect human beings that we made that's part you as much as they are part me. Except Dem, he's all you". I chuckled through a sob.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now