Three To Tango

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I stood frozen for at least five minutes after King walked out of my door. I kept asking myself just what does he think he is doing coming along with me while I'm working. Yea, okay I allowed him to choose my next fool but never did I expect for him to tag along. It was all in fun and joking around when I let King choose for me. I've always worked alone and knowing that he would be in the backdrop watching didn't settle well with me. In fact it made me a bit nervous. Brushing my confusion off, I swung the door open and made my way to this event.

As I passed through the doors of the elegantly decorated ballroom King was already proving to be a distraction. Instead of scanning the room for Bryce Winscott I was looking for King. It didn't take long to spot him at all, what with all the women who surrounded him.

King was perched at the bar smiling and laughing with a drank in hand. At least three women flanked him bidding for his attention and he seemed all too eager to give it to each of them. Eventually he looked up and locked eye's with me. Giving me a knowing yet very mischievous grin, he nodded his head toward the far corner of the room. Not returning his smile, my eye's followed in the direction he nodded. There I found Bryce sitting at a round table with several other gentleman hashing it out over the newest political scandal. Looking back at King, he arched his brows as if asking what are you waiting for but this isn't how it work's. Usually I would sit near my new prospect and have them notice me. After making myself seem single and approachable I'd wait for them to seek me out.

Again King nodded his head toward Bryce as to try and push me along. Snapping my stare away from him irritable, I set off to try and chance a Run in with Bryce. Just by luck, I was given a window of opportunity. A waitress was zipping by where Bryce was sitting. Acting as if I was just passing by myself, I purposely stepped out in front of the waitress causing her to stop abruptly. In return a flute of champagne tipped off of the tray that she balanced so well. Placing my hand to my chest and gasping, I took a step back. The glass crashing to the floor captured Bryce's attention as well as the other men. "I'm so sorry". I exclaimed to the waitress as a small team clustered around to clean the mess up.

As I was thinking of what my next step should be a gentle touch to my elbow startled me. "Forgive me Miss...?"

Smiling on the inside that my damsel in distress act snatched Bryce's attention I decided to go with a bashful role. Feigning embarrassment, I humbly offered Bryce my hand. "I'm sorry, please overlook me. I'm Fawn Myers."

Bryce shot me a wolfish grin. "Fawn". He repeated my name in a sexual way.

" I must say that your name is extraordinary but fitting. You are as lovely as your name... Fawn".

Pretending to blush, I buried my chin into my chest. "Thank you Mr...?"

" Oh yes, I'm Bryce Winscott. I'd love nothing more than to share a drink with you".

Scanning the room as if I had to think it over, I gently shook my head no. "I'm sorry but I was just about to leave. I'm having a horrible evening and I'm afraid you would find my company unbecoming" .

Bryce tossed his head back and ripped off a boisterous laugh. "Let me be the judge of that Fawn. Come have a drink with me and tell me all about your bad evening" .

Before I could reply, Bryce was tugging me toward a small table made just for two. After ordering him a whiskey sour and champagne for me he asked. "So how can such a lovely lady be having such a bad time?"

Flashing a tiny frown, I replied. "My date stood me up. He was suppose to meet me here but never showed. Right before I bumped into the waitress I received a text from him explaining that he wouldn't make it but to enjoy myself. Can you believe that? He let me down through a text". I said with an edge to my tone.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now