The Big Reveal

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Hello reader's!! Happy Monday!!

This will be a split chapter sharing different POV! If you get confused or have questions feel free to ask! Also there might be a little something in here that just may tick you off😉😂

Happy Reading!


Wiggling my hips into my now snug jeans, I gave a sigh and looked down at my growing baby bump. There was no way that I could continue to hide it. "We have to tell my parent's today Aiden".

Aiden looked up from his phone and I knew he was thinking the same thing that I was. This could go up or down. It all depends on how well my Pape reacts to the news. "I guess you are right Miz. We will be returning home in a few day's and I'd hate to leave on bad terms".

" Thank you baby". I said giving him a kiss.

Soon after we arranged a lunch with just my parents at their home. The conversation and atmosphere was quite happy but then again I waited until dessert to break the news. "Aiden and I have some important news to share with you". I announced.

Both of my parent's smiled but I could sense that my Pape's smile was a bit strained as he wonder if he would like what he was about to hear. I sat quiet trying to think of the right word's to say and coming up with nothing I decided to stand up. Pulling my oversized sweatshirt up to reveal my bump seemed like a better way. My mom immediately teared up and smiled at the same time. "I'm so happy for you baby".

Smiling back at her I looked over to my Pape to get his response. His face was unreadable but judging at the rate he was cramming peanuts into his mouth I knew it wasn't good. The silence was deafening and my ears begin to have that annoying buzzing sound as I waited. In a low voice I whispered to Aiden. "You might want to excuse yourself right now".

" I'm not leaving you". Aiden whispered back.

My Pape begin to cackle as he stuffed more peanuts into his mouth. Raising his eyebrows he spoke through laughter. "I'm going to fucking rip your nut sack off".

" Olive". My mom tried in a attempt to control him.

"Pape please. Aiden and I are engaged to get married. I'm having a baby Pape". I tried to reason.

" At this rate you will be widowed before you even reach the alter". Pape snapped.

"With all do respect Mr. Butinio, I love your daughter and will take the greatest care of her and my child". Aiden tried to persuade him.

" Miri, you must move back here so I can watch over you". My Pape challenged.

"Pape, my home is with Aiden now. I like it there and I'm old enough to make my own decisions" .

Pape shook his head harshly. "It's not safe there. You're safer here".

" Sir, I have As many guards as you and you are aware that we are just as strong ". Aiden spoke up.

My Pape wouldn't hear of it and to add fuel to my Pape's flame in walked my uncle Dem. "Turn around and walk right the fuck back out Flower". My Pape warned him.

This intrigued Demarco so he stepped further in. "Awww... Are we having a family meeting? Numb nut I'm hurt, you didn't invite me?" He mocked pulling up a chair.

"This fuck has done got my baby girl pregnant." . Pape snarled.

Demarco laughed and slapped my Pape in the back. "Well congradufuckinglations grandpaw. By the way you do know what they was doing to get in this predicament right?" Demarco grinned trying to push my Pape's buttons.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now