Battle Of Love

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Oh boy, this was proving to be too much of a distraction. Bryce continued to talk through out the night and I'd smile or nod my head when it seemed appropriate but in reality my thoughts were on King. I couldn't help but focus on his every move. Instead of reeling in my next victim I was too worried King and those women.

I should have never agreed to this arrangement. Well, really I didn't. King just invited himself. Eventually I was able to tune back into Bryce and was just about to make my move when King walked by our table with all three women. Looking my way, King wiggled his eyebrows and grinned before disappearing out the door.

What a douche, leaving with three women. My imagination ran wild as mental images of what he was about to do with them flooded my mind. Pushing the negative thoughts away, I told myself that this was a good thing that he left. Without him distracting me I could focus on the matter at hand... Bryce.

However that didn't pan out, not after seeing King leave with those girl's. Now I was asking myself why did I care so much? King owes me nothing. We aren't even remotely a couple and honestly never have been. I guess it made me sad that we didn't work out. I'll tell myself anything as long as it stops me from coming to terms with why I'm really upset over the situation.

Okay, so maybe it is possible that I do still have feelings for King. Just maybe somewhere deep down I was hoping we could start over but even if we could I'd never allow it. Oh, what's the saying... You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Well Kings the old dog. Yes, I'm sure for the first few day's we'd be that perfect couple but history repeats itself. Eventually something would set King off and he'd throw a tantrum resulting in kicking me to the curb.... Yet again.

Trust me, I've been there too many time's with him to know how he work's. My best bet is to continue to stick to my guns and not give in. True it is hard seeing him strutting around my home shirtless and this new side of him that I'm seeing is only making it harder but that new side won't last much longer. King will reside back to his old ways and this time I won't be the one to catch the brunt of it. He only has a week left before he returns home and I must be strong. I can make it through this.

This was useless, sitting here listening to Bryce ramble on and if I have to hear another one of his lame joke's I'll slit my own throat. It's been nearly an hour since King left and yet my thoughts are still swamped with him. My best option right now is to cut my loses. Making an excuse to leave I left Bryce my number. If I'm lucky may be he will ring me and I'll take it from there.

Twenty minutes later I arrived home with plans to take a bath and eat ice cream straight from the container. However as I stepped in to my pad I was surprised to see the culprit of my thoughts lounging on my couch laughing at some ridiculous funny video show. I walked straight to my room shutting my door ignoring him. I don't know why but upon seeing him the anger returned. Peeling the dress from my body, I slung my top drawer open in search of some pajamas. Selecting a green tank with matching sleeper shorts, I ran a brush through my hair then pulled it back into a ponytail. I had just finished scrubbing the make-up from my face when I heard a soft tapping at my door. Rolling my eye's I hissed "what?"

"Everything okay Ginger Snap?" King asked gently .

"I'm good. Just getting ready for bed". I replied dryly.

" Okay. Want to at least tell me how it went after I left? "

Recalling that I had to call it quits because my mind was bogged down with King I slung the door open. Placing my hand on my hip I snapped. "Why don't you tell me how your night went?"

I could tell that my word's shocked him because he took a step back. "Well other than the dance I shared with you if was rather boring".

Rolling my entire head around on my shoulders I cringed. "Oh don't give me that. You left with three women. How the hell is that boring?"

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now