Silent Understanding

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Having got settled into my new hotel room, I took a relaxing bath and washed the evidence of King's love making from my body. Crazy as it may sound l had to scrub myself powerfully to erase his spicy, clean scent away. My head still throbbed from my encounter with Dierks which only brought forth a slew of memories and unanswered questions.

I recalled King's reaction when he assumed I had been entertaining another man. This confused me for several reasons. Why would he care if I do see someone, I mean eventually it will happen for the both of us. One day we are bound to meet that person. Then once he discovered the truth of the matter without hesitation he took care of the problem for me. King didn't leave me on my own to handle the situation and made sure all evidence was wiped away without demanding any favors in return. He invited me into his home so I didn't have to be alone after such an ordeal. Truth was that this was his opportunity to get rid of me for good. King could have easily left me to handle this by myself which risked me getting caught and carted off to prison for a long time. He would be free of me and could have full rights to Rize but he didn't.

Maybe me sleeping with him was a mistake. Maybe I should've controlled my urges better and not have been so rash. It's obvious that we detest each other and with good reason. If anything could confirm the hate we have for each other it was the love we made last night. You couldn't even call what we did last night lovemaking. It was rough and angry. Basically we tried to hurt the other but in oh so good ways. Noticing that my bath water had turned cold, I stood and wrapped myself in a towel. Not bothering to dress, I went and stretched across the bed. My sore muscles welcomed the softness of the mattress and I dozed.

Sometime later I awoke to a hungry stomach and noticed I had a few messages on my phone. Deciding to call room service first and have a hot meal delivered, I then checked the messages. It was three and they were all from King to my surprise. I listened to the first one. "Where you at Frankie?" Was all it said.

Clicking to the next one I read. "I called you a few hour's ago and haven't heard back. I'm getting pissed".

The last one didn't say anything. It was him just holding on. Rolling my eye's i sent him a text. "Been asleep. I got me a new room this morning" .

Within seconds I got a reply. "The fuck you thinking? You just up and left this morning without a word".

" And? " was my only response.

"And... Last night"?

Oh, okay. Now I get it. Maybe he thought I would hang around and expect him to have a change of heart or me beg him for forgiveness. "Last night was just a booty call. Nothing more, nothing less. We don't owe each other any explanations. Today we can resume hating each other".

I didn't get a reply back, not that I expected to anyways. However our relationship took a strange turn from here on out. Nearly a week had passed without any further contact other than my nightly texts checking on Rize. Then a craving hit. Yes, I thought about going back out and finding a willing partner but after last time I didn't think it was worth the risk. So around midnight I pulled a long coat over my matching panty and bra set and found myself knocking on Kings door. King answered looking half asleep. He wore only his briefs and his hair was rumpled. Stepping in before he spoke, I tugged him to his bedroom by his briefs and pushed him onto the bed. Letting my coat fall to the floor i said. "Let's go now". And pounced on top of him.

Taking no time to fully remove his briefs, I slid a condom on him and placed him inside of me. Let's just say that I rode him none to gently and at one point I smacked him on the cheek. When I did I received a smack back but I knew it wasn't with all of his strength. The hit barely stung. After he hit me I leaned down and wrapped my hands around his throat. "It's a good day to die". I hissed.

Roughly I was flipped over. "And I love to kill". He growled as he tied my hands to the bed posts.

Using my legs, I wrapped them around his neck and squeezed powerfully. It didn't take King long to break free and when he did he used his strength to manhandle me. Placing me on my knees, he tied my ankles together with the sheet. Grabbing a belt from his chair he cracked it across my bum none to softly. A cry escaped my lips as he cracked it down again. "You asked for this bitch". He growled as yet again the belt met my skin.

" Go to hell ". I gritted out.

Gripping a fist full of my hair he hissed in my ear. "I won't stop until your screaming my name".

" Then be prepared to go forever because I'll never cry your name bastard". I snarled and spit at him.

King then shoved my face down into the mattress as to smother me but quickly let go. He continued to slam the belt down on my rear until nothing but numbness could be felt. Finally he crawled in behind me and gripped the bars of his bed post before slamming into me. He was relentless as he pounded me as the echo of skin slapping skin filled the room. A animalistic moan rushed from my throat as a flood of bliss cruised my body. It was so strong that it left me limp and the only thing that kept me on my knees was being tied up this way. King didn't slow down however. He now used my limp body anyway he pleased and I nearly begged him to stop as my body couldn't handle another strong orgasm but I didn't say anything. Leaning over my back he whispered in my ear. "That's right, you can be my whore anytime you want. You Harper whore".

" Wrong". I growled. "You are my whore. My Kinichi whore. My fuck boy".

King flipped me over and resumed his pumping. Forcing my eye's to remain open, he stated. "That's right. You look at me so you know who's fucking you. So you know that a Harper is fucking you. This Harper may not own you but he definitely owns your ass".

" you'll never own me and owning my ass is only temporary. One day all of this will belong to a man that loves me and would never betray or hurt me... " I stopped myself because I almost added "like you did".

This infuriated King and he warned. "Let another man try and I'll escort him to his grave ginger snap".

At this point King tried to kiss me but I moved my head from side to side refusing his lips. In my mind as long as I didn't kiss him I could keep my heart out of this and just let it be a fuck. "Kiss me ginger snap".

I shook my head no but yet he still tried to force his mouth on mine. Thankfully his release came before he succeeded in kissing me. King untied me and after I caught my breath I stood up and shimmied back into my clothes. "You can stay here. It's late". King tried to persuade me.

" No. This was just a booty call". And I left without so much as glancing at him.

I hate to admit it but three more booty calls took place before it was time for me to take Rize and go. Once back at my beach house I threw myself into locating the one's that Dierks had worked for. I wanted justice and to bring these jerks down. More importantly I wanted to save the women that they have already taken and forced into a life of prostitution. Then from there i was planning to relocate to Norway and begin my Empire once again. No, I haven't let King know if my plans yet but I will once the time comes. He does call everyday to check on Rize but we leave it at that.

After being at home for a few week's I became bored and lonely. I decided to start interviewing possible nanny's so I could have one night off a week. It's time I start getting out more and have a life instead of just being a full time mommy and aspiring mafia queen.

After many interviews I chose the one I thought would be a right fit. There was just one problem... My baby's daddy. King had to agree with anyone that I chose so I emailed him the new babysitters info and sent him a text. "I've hired a new nanny. Feel free to look her paper's over. I think she will be great and I've done my research" .

Soon after I got a reply from him. "Why do you need a nanny?"

Jesus, what's it to him I hugged but answered honestly. "It's only for one night a week. I need some me time and I'm ready to start dating again. Just check the paper's over".

Three day's passed and I received no reply other than him asking about Rize. Tired of waiting I sent him another message. "Have you looked the paper's over?"

Nothing. Not a peep so I decided to go ahead and hire the nanny. Four day's later I was going out on my first date.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now