Poll Time

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Hello Friends!!

Please take the time to read this!! Very important info!!

As we all know this series  has continued on for nearly 4 years now!! However I have noticed a decrease in reads, votes and comments... which is to be expected over time.

I've found myself at a crossroads and would like to hear your POV! Even though I love my Harper's I feel as if it's  ran it's course and I'm considering wrapping it up with this book.

All my time is spent on this series whereas I could be writing other works. What I need to know is about how many are still continuing to read this series. Please answer by voting or commenting just so I can tell if it's still worth my time to continue on.

This is very important and I know many people read wo voting or commenting and that's cool but just this one time I encourage you to vote or comment. Let your voice be heard on this especially if you want the series to continue.

The past few day's  I have been scheming through the entire series and viewed people's comments from the first book. I'm curious... how many from the beginning are still here??

As always thank you all so much for loving the Harper's and for the votes,  comments,  shares. This series wouldn't have lasted this long if not for all of you!! Y'all did that!! Love ya!

I will announce my decision on the Harper's by Friday night! Thanks!

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now