Razzle Dazzle

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My breath hitched in my chest as I was taken by surprise and desire. Is this really happening I kept mentally asking muse but soon my brain went silent. Nothing existed but this kiss and the feel of his hands on me. When I didn't immediately reject his lips he deepened the kids as his hands rested on the sides of my face in a demanding grip. My knees begin to weaken and my body felt like jello as my body melded into his. Instantly his arm's went to my waist pulling me closer as well as keeping me from melting into the floor.... That's if there really is a floor beneath my feet. Of course there was, I just felt as if I was floating.

Perhaps I was. Perhaps Sire's kiss had made me lose touch with any adamant objects around me. His taste was spicy and fresh and made me come alive. His clean, breezy scent embedded in my nostrils and worked it's way into my brain like a spirit possessing me. A small voice kept repeating. "I am his. I am his".

A burning in my abdomen sent sparks throughout my nervous system as it seemed to be screaming. "Give me more. Give me more". And it was right, I wanted more, no I needed more. An onslaught of wild, abandoned hunger surged forth and my fingers snaked around his neck pulling his mouth closer to mine. Our kids deepened and I'm sure we looked like two frantic beasts that had lived their entire life starved for another's touch.

With a mind of it's own, my leg made it's way up and hooked around his hip. A growl erupted from within his throat and his hand came down to rest upon my buttocks. In return this pressed my now heated center closer to his growing hardness. With a weak whimper, I rubbed my burning core against the stiffened crotch of his jeans. This made Sire's fire burn full blaze and I found myself being tilted back as if we were waltzing. This position left my neck and upper chest vulnerable to his scorching lips. His mouth left my bee stung lips to peruse my neck. As I relished in the magic of his tongue I felt the graze of his teeth and it was if someone had threw a bucket of ice water on me.

Realizing that Sire was on the verge of claiming me, I snapped out of it. "No". I pronounced strongly as I ripped myself from his arm's.

Backing up several feet, I held my hand up warning him to stay back. "No, we can't. This isn't right" .

Taking a few threatening steps towards me, Sire spoke in a voice laced with temptation. "Ask yourself Alice, did it feel right? Because from where I'm standing it seems we were both holding on to each other like long lost lover's"

The truth to his word's slapped me in the face but I was in denial. With unshed tears I begin. "No. We just can't and you know why Sire".

With a sudden outburst of anger Sire exploded. "God Damn it Alice. To hell with CJ and the family. We can't live our entire lives for them. I want happiness and love and I want that with you. God knows I've tried to convince myself to stay away but I can't, to kill my feelings for you but I can't. No matter how hard I try, how long I stay away I can't beat them. At the end of everyday it all comes back to you".

" It shouldn't Sire. Jesus look at me. I'm a fucking nutcase right now. You saw the evidence yourself earlier. You saw the pills and you know what I was about to do before you showed up here. Every man that I ever trusted has hurt me, lied to me, abused me. I'm damaged beyond repair. The last thing I need is another messy relationship, I'm barely surviving the last two. You would finish me off. It wouldn't be fair to either of us, more so you because I'm a wreck. Trust me, you don't want this". I cried.

"The hell I don't. I want you with all your flaws, imperfections, craziness and quirks. I've wanted you since the first night CJ introduced us and I'm tired of hiding my feelings. Never has a woman impacted my being the way you have. It killed me to see all you endured from my fucked up cousin. Do you know how many time's I thought about killing him? Every time he put his hands on you, made you cry and hurt you all I wanted to do was put a bullet through his heart".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now