Not Quick Enough

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Removing the glasses from my face, I rubbed my weary eye's. When I left our country home I rode around the city looking for any sign of Laney. It's now four in the morning and my body and mind have become numb. Upon returning home I sent a team of men to continue my search and I went to work on the computer trying to locate her or Marcus.

Knowing I needed at least a few hour's of sleep to continue on, I pushed my chair away from my desk. A groan rumbled from my chest as my sore thigh burned in protest at any movement. Obviously the several glasses of Jack I had downed had worn off and the pain was becoming real again. Looking down at the blood soaked cloth I had wrapped around the affected area, I slung my drawer open and gripped a bottle of pain pills. Popping the top off, I tilted the bottle to my mouth and washed a few pills down with the remainder of my drink. I knew I needed the doc to check it out but right now sleep called.

Standing up against the pain, I pushed the sting away with images of Laney the last time I saw her. I was so close to having her yet so far away at the same time. It hurt seeing the look of fear and distrust in her eye's for me. When I do get my hands on Marcus, and I will, death will be to good for him. Visions of the thing's I planned for him burned like a fire in my mind.

Yes, Laney was close enough that I could have snagged her up and captured her but with all the uncertainty that she felt towards me any sudden moves could have ended drastic. Naturally she would have fought me and possibly placed her blade in a more vital location. No, I need Laney to come with me willingly and I need to pose as no threat.

My mind can't help but to filter back to the time that bastard Angelo had her. She was so innocent and sweet back then. That one man changed everything in a matter of seconds. He took my babydolls innocence away, he forced her hand into killing him. Since that moment Laney has never been the same. Gone was her trust and I think for the first time she truly realized what living in my world consisted of. Yet she never gave up on me. No matter how many time's I pushed her away, all of the shitty shit I've done to her and the life threatening predicaments she's been placed in because of my life she never gave up on me and I'm not about to give up on her now.

This is Laney's darkest hour and I'll walk through it with her, not against her. It kills me knowing that she thinks she's all alone out there and that I want to harm her. I'm her biggest fan and even if it means she will kill me I'll make sure the truth comes to light. I'd gladly standby and allow her to kill me if it will make her see that I mean no harm, that I love her more than life itself.

Sitting my now empty glass down on my desk, I switched the lamp off and begin to walk from my office. As soon as my hand came in contact with the door knob my phone buzzed. Not bothering to see who the called was l answered. "Harper".

" Boss, we've found something ".

Not having patience to play the who, what, when game, I snapped. "Out with it then".

" We found Mrs. Harper's rental car abandoned on thirty-sixth street. No signs of her though but we have evidence that she maybe staying at the Hotel Resilience. We are on the way there now".

"No. Wait. No one enters the Hotel until I'm there. She's already spooked so it must be me that does this. Hang tight, I'm on the way".

Forgetting my sore, bleeding leg, I hobbled our of my apartment. As I was waiting for the elevator Demarco emerges from his apartment. "Going somewhere?"

There was no use hiding this information from him. "The men may have located your mother. I'm on my way now".

Instantly his temper reared it's ugly head. "And you wasn't going to tell me?"

" I was in a hurry son. I'll be back".

"The fuck? I'm coming too".

" Demarco, I think it's best if you don't right now".

"Like hell. This is my mommy we are talking about. If there is a chance she's alive and needs help... I'm there. I dare you to try and keep me away".

There was no use in arguing with him right now. "Suit yourself" . I said as I stepped onto the elevator.

As we were waiting to reach ground floor Demarco looked down at my blood soaked bandage. "The fuck happened to you?"

" your mother happened. I had a run in with her earlier tonight and nearly had her but Marcus showed up still trying to convince her that my aim is to kill her. Long story short she stabbed the both of us and escaped. We must reach her before Marcus does. If we don't I fear what could happen ".

" you saw her tonight but didn't inform me? "

Leaning my head back in exhaustion I grumbled. "It was late. I lost her and was too busy trying to relocate her. You know now so shut up."

A few seconds of silence passed them Demarco nodded to my injured leg. "You really should let doc take a look at that before you head out".

" I've been through worse. Besides your mother is more important right now. Try to keep me from going... I dare you". I shot his own word's back at him.

Soon we stepped from the elevator and raced to a car. Demarco went to get in behind the wheel but I shoved him away. "I'm driving, I'm faster".

" But I'm safer and don't have a lame leg". He retorted.

I sent him a deadly glare that sent him to the other side of the car without further argument. Moments later we met up with the men and scattered out amongst the hotel. Demarco was able to access what room she was in. The both of us took the stairs until we reached her floor. Getting into her room wasn't hard but we found it empty. A few thing's were left behind but considering the disray of the room it was obvious that she left in a hurry. Leaning against the wall to ease my leg I couldn't help but think she slipped through my fingers yet again. Just as we were about to leave one of my men barged in. "We discovered that she has a new rental car, a white Escalade. One of the druggies spotted it downtown at a abandoned restaurant an hour ago".

Wasting no time, I hefted myself from the wall. As we rushed out Demarco tossed me a hand towel he snagged from the room to help with the blood that was now dripping from my wound. It wasn't long before we arrived at the location she was recently spotted at, however the white Escalade was no where to be seen. Getting out, we discovered a broken window to crawl inside. Everyone spread out looking for any form of a clue. It wasn't long before I was being summoned. "Boss, you need to take a look at this".

I hobbled over to an old freezer and stepped in. One of the men were shining a flashlight down on a dead body that was still shackled in chains. My heart nearly exploded when I caught sight of blonde hair but I relaxed when I realized that it wasn't my baby doll. Upon closer inspection I discovered that it was Cinda. Reaching down I felt for a pulse that I knew wouldn't be there, for her heart had been stabbed and her throat slit rather viciously. "Damn, the fucker killed his own wife". Demarco mumbled stepping up beside me.

Taking the flashlight from my man, I spoke. "This wasn't Marcus's work but your mother's" . I indicated shining the light on a crimson lipstick print located on Cinda's temple.

Demarco took a step back trying to phantom just what I'm the hell was going on. Looking at him I said. "There's a huge possibility that Marcus already has her. Now the question is, is she working with him or against him. Not only that but where are they now".

Leaving behind a few men to clean up my wife's latest kill we made our way to my car. I was just about to turn around and explain what we do next when dizziness overcame me and I felt darkness sinking in. I begin to stumble forward but Demarco prevented my fall by catching me. "Pape, are you okay?" He asked worried.

I started to nod but my lights went out.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now