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"Baby doll don't do this. You know me. You know I'd never do anything like this. I've always been faithful to you". I tried to reason with her.

Taking the dagger Laney leaned down until her nose was inches from mine. With a mischievous yet dangerous glint in her eye's she placed the blade to my throat. Smiling like the she devil that she was she purred. "Yes, I do know you far too well. Obviously I know you better than you know me". She clucked.

There it was, a very familiar twinkle in her eye. Was she stringing Marcus along as she had Angelo or was this the real thing this time? You never could tell with her. Laney was a great actress and could really put a show on. She had the ability to captivate people and make them believe that she walked on water. Yes, my baby doll was a top notch manipulator. In fact she was so good at it that she had manipulated me many time's throughout the year's. Was this just another impulsive scheme of hers? If so she had my attention and my heart pumping. "Get on with it baby doll". Marcus commanded from behind her.

Laney gave me that evil smirk that she wore so well and spoke in a velvety voice. "Are you ready London? I sure hope you are".

Okay, was that some twisted sick hint to me or is the crazy woman really asking me if I'm ready to die? "I, I don't know. Ready for what exactly?"

" to open the gates of hell". She chrotled.

Refusing to let me speak further, she called Marcus closer. "Come here Marcus. You'll want a front row seat to this".

A grinning Marcus stepped forward and laughed at me. "I'm afraid your reign is over king".

Laney pressed the blade on my neck drawing a little blood as Marcus was intent on watching. "I should do this slowly shouldn't I?" She asked Marcus.

" Indeed. The slower the better". Marcus agreed.

"Very true. The slower the better but I'm in quite the fucking hurry". Laney sneered and in one swift motion pulled the knife from my juggler and quickly slashed Marcus's neck open. Marcus looked stunned as he clasped his hands to his neck as if he were trying to stop the flow of blood. Gurgling sounds erupted from his mouth as Laney hissed. "You were a fool to think that you could ever take me from London. He is everything that you will never be. You betrayed your friend, your family and your king. You deserve a slow death and killing you quickly will be my only regret. Now bow before your king". Laney growled as she shoved him to the floor at my feet.

We both watched as he took his last breath and became still with his eye's open staring into the nothing. "Untie me Laney " I yelled.

I was beyond mad for her careless actions. Actions that if failed could have resulted in both of our deaths. "Not so fast London. I haven't forgotten your misdeeds". She said fixing her stare on Natalie.

" Laney we need to get out of here. It's not safe with his men about".

As usual she ignored my warnings and walked over to Natalie. Natalie begin to cry and beg. "Please. I'm so sorry. Please don't kill me" .

Laney laughed. "You was aware that my husband was a married man yet you still tried to sink your claws in him. Not only that but you was a spy for Marcus" .

"Please. I'm sorry". Natalie blubbered.

Laney jerked Natilie's chin up roughly. "My gut tells me to kill you but I'm feeling quite charitable today. You was used by both men so I hope this has taught you a lesson. I will set you free but I will always have eye's on you. If you dare try to connect with my husband or any other husband for that matter you are over. Get yourself together and stop looking for deep pockets" .

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now