The Real Gentleman

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A few weeks had passed since the first time you visited the Joestars' house. Almost every day since then was spent with Jonathan. He never seemed to lose interest in your company. You couldn't help but feel as though he was beginning to think of you as more than a friend. You weren't exactly sure what you would do if that actually was the case. You didn't really have any romantic feelings for the boy, at least not yet. You could also tell he still cared for Erina by the way he talked about her and she probably still cared for him too.

Still thinking, you walked down the path you had first met Jonathan on, only you were going towards the town this time. You were also alone. Your mother sent you off to go and get more paint supplies. You had known a few days prior, but didn't want to interrupt Jonathan's studies for something that really didn't matter. No one ever walked on this path except you. The only time you were likely to be in danger is in the town, but you weren't worried.

You entered the town, walking at a rather slow pace. You were walking past an alleyway when a hand shot out and pulled you in. Caught by surprise your reflexes kicked in causing you to hit who ever had ever grabbed you in the groin.

"Ahh! What the hell! Can't I say hi to a friend?"

The shock faded away and you turned around to see that it was indeed a friend. Your personal body guard of sorts, Robert Ernest Oswald Speedwagon. Behind him were two boys snickering while Speedwagon was crouched on the floor, still hissing in pain.

You had first met each other in a similar situation. The first time you went through town alone you had decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway, only to be stopped by the three boys. He was about to mug you but seeing you were of similar age to him and a girl, he decided to protect you instead. He apologized for startling you and offered to walk with you around the town. You were a bit uneasy around him but didn't mind having someone else with you. While he walked next to you, he told the other boys to watch from the sidelines. You had gotten to know him well, and he had become your most trusted friend. He was likely the only person you could truly be comfortable around.

Ever since that day, every time you entered the town Speedwagon showed up at your side. He taught you self defense and even gave you the knife you always kept in your dress pocket as a gift. Before you met Jonathan, he was really your only friend.

"Haha! Sorry about that Speedwagon, but you shouldn't have just pulled me into a alleyway like that."

"I guess it is my bad, but where have you been (Y/N)? I haven't seen you in a while."

The sad expression on his face broke your heart. Speedwagon, the true gentleman, really deserved a better friend than you. You adverted your gaze.

"I've made another friend of sorts. He's pretty nice. I'm sure the two of you would get along."

"He? I'm not so sure if I trust this guy. If he tries anything, tell me and I'll beat the crap out of him!"

"Okay, Speedwagon. If anything happens, I'll tell you."

He turned his head at your response, his cheeks had turned a light pink. You then noticed a hat on Speedwagon's head which he hadn't worn before.

"Hey, Speedwagon?" He glanced back to you, "What's with the hat?"

"Oh this?" He took the hat off his head and spun it around a bit, "It's a new weapon I'm working on. It going to have blades on it and I'll throw it sort of like a frisbee. I'm still working on it though."

You nodded your head to show you understood. If anyone would be able to master a weapon like that, it would be Speedwagon.

He stopped fiddling with that hat and placed it back on his head while asking, "So, where we headed to this time?"

"Oh, my mom needed some more paint supplies."

He gently took your hand and began walking with you to the shops that sold paints and blank canvases. You smiled the whole time you were with him. You were glad to see your dear friend again and he was glad to see you. Whenever you were with him, he felt like everything was right in the world. All the bad things in the world held no worth when you were there with him, your hand in his.

Unbeknownst to you, Dio was also in town. He had entered there to purchase some more of the poison he had used for his father. He'd likely need it at one point or another. While on his way to where he'd make his purchase, he saw you. He stopped his journey to see what you were doing here. You were alone after all. This could be my chance, he thought, she's away from that curséd Jonathan and I can get her to join my plan to steal the Joestar fortune.

The thoughts vanished when he saw you being pulled into an alleyway. He thought about leaping out to help you, it would increase your trust in him if you were saved. Although you'd likely ask why he was there in the first place. It didn't matter anyhow as you seemed to dispose of the threat quite well on your own. Then you started talking with your attacker and then the attacker held your hand. He realized you must have known this person. The way you acted around the street rat was shocking to him. You seemed so at ease around the guy. More so than around JoJo or himself. He watched you go into a store and come out with painting supplies. He now knew you were shopping for your mother. He watched you leave the town and decided to go back to completing his initial objective of buying the poison.

He began walking only to be stopped by several boys. He turned to go in the opposite direction only to see the boy that was walking next to you throughout the town.

"What do you think you're doing staring at (Y/N) all creepy like?"

Dio glared at the blonde boy, "Oh, I'm just a friend of hers. I was just making sure you weren't some creeper."

"Oh? Are you the new friend she told me about. I wonder if you're always acting this way around her? You better watch yourself lad, cause if I see you acting like this again your body will never look the same again. What's a rich boy like you doing in these parts anyways?"

Dio clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, clearly not happy with the way things were going. He was a skilled fighter, but he couldn't possibly take all of them at once. Even if he did that, you'd find out and likely never trust him.

"I was getting some medicine for my grandfather and don't worry, you won't see me doing it again."

Seemingly satisfied with Dio's response, Speedwagon and his Speedwagoons turned around and left Dio alone in the streets once again. Dio decided he'd purchase the poison another time and left to return to the Joestar estate.

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