To Get Back What Was Lost

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With the sentimental stuff out of the way, it was now back to business. Joseph and Caesar left as Lisa changed into some clothes. You remained outside the door until she finished so you could watch the interrogation.

Lisa was now placing her hands on Susie's head to use Hamon and find out the location of the Stone. "Susie Q...While Esidisi was controlling you, you must have been semiconscious. Answer this. Where is the Stone headed?"

Susie's face scrunched up and then relaxed, "Switzerland. St. Moritz. A package. An envelope with Madam Lisa Lisa's crest. The address is..." You scribbled down the words to help you remember. And then you, Susie, and Lisa went outside to inform the others of the location of the Stone.

"Switzerland?!" Shouted Caesar. "Are Kars and Wamuu there?"

Messina nodded, "I just checked. A cargo train for Switzerland left ten minutes ago."

You piped in, "I checked my map, and there is indeed at least one of the Pillar Men heading towards Switzerland."

"The Red Stone of Aja must be on that train!" Exclaimed Joseph. We've got to beat that train to St. Moritz!"

You nodded along to Joseph's words while Lisa began talking, "We're going to have to play dirty to keep them from getting the Red Stone!" All of you except Susie got into the red car. Caesar was driving and you sat squished between him and Joseph in the front. Lisa was in the back with Messina. The male Joestar slung an arm around your shoulder. "We may have to break the law. And one of us may have to sacrifice their life for the cause."

You placed a hat on Joseph's head while he spoke, "Not sure if we'll have to worry about that anymore now that we have the devil's luck on our side." He pointed at your ear.

Caesar laughed a bit, "Before was different," He slid an arm around you, knocking Joseph's off. "Now there is no way we can lose."

"Their blood is mine" Spoke Messina from the back, spoiling the semi-cheerful mood just a tad.

You looked up into the sky, wondering if Jonathan and William were up there somewhere. Hopefully they'd see the end of the horrid mess caused by the beings of the night.

Lisa glanced at everyone before saying Caesar's name to tell him to start the car.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Caesar turned the key, making the engine rev. The car began moving until you noticed the sadness in Susie's step as she walked away.

You nudged Joseph, "Hey, you should say goodbye to her."

"Eh? Why would I do that?"

"I don't know, to make her happier? Tell her you'll see her again."

He sighed, "Fine, but only cause you asked." Caesar quickly turned the car around as Joseph shouted and waved, "Hey, Susie Q! Over here!" The blonde woman glanced in his direction, surprised. "Bye for now, Susie Q! I'll be back in Venice one day!"

Susie's face lit up, "Really?!"

"Yeah. In the meantime be sure to take care of that beat-up body of yours!" She blushed and nodded while the car began driving away. "Later."

She ran after the car a few steps, "JoJo, promise! Promise you'll come back!"

Joseph glanced at you as if asking if he should actually promise her that. You just stared at him. He looked back to Susie. "Don't make me say it again. Though, you might be an old hag by then!"

You slapped Joseph's shoulder for the remark. Susie picked up a rock and threw it in his direction with a smile, "You stupid jerk!"

Joseph nestled into his spot next to you, knocking Caesar's hand off of you, "Keep both hands on the wheel." The Italian let out an annoyed grunt but listened anyways. The Joestar leaned his head on yours, "Why'd you care so much about me doing that?"

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