Under the Sea~

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Polnareff leaned over the Egyptian's shoulder as he put a hand on the wheel, "Hey, can you drive this thing, Avdol?"

Avdol waved his finger, "Tsk, tsk. No problem."

"I can drive it, too!" Mentioned the Joestar, excitedly.

"You're not driving this thing." Grumbled Jotaro who was sitting around a small, round table. "I'm not letting you crash us again."

Joseph scoffed, "My grandson is so harsh."

Caesar leaned back in his chair, "Well, he does have a point..."

You laughed, "Just having Joseph on board might be enough to trigger an accident. Maybe we should've left him on the island."

Joseph pouted, "Hey, that's just mean."

Kakyoin rested his chin in the palm of his hand, "A submarine, huh.... This is my first time in one, but it's not as cramped as I expected."

Joseph put his hands on his hips, "Yeah. This is a vessel that the rich use to explore the sea floor for pleasure. As you see, it even has windows."

Polnareff ran over to the circle of glass, knocking the Joestar aside in the process, "Oooh! Nice! I've always kind of liked this sort of thing. And now I get to ride it with a cute girl..." He looked over at you and winked.

"I see you haven't changed, Polnareff." Spoke Avdol, "We didn't come here to play."

There was a light beeping sound and Polnareff shifted his gaze to the source, "What is that?"

"It's a sonar. It uses reflected sound waves in order to detect things under water, kind of like a radar." Explained Joseph.

Polnareff leaned closer to get a better look, "Wow..."

"All clear. Nothing is coming toward us." Stated the Egyptian.

"With this, we can detect anyone trying to attack us, from any direction." Spoke Joseph and Polnareff let out another awed gasp.

"But if we were to be attacked in here, we'd have nowhere to run." Grumbled Jotaro with his arms crossed, ruining the joyful mood just a tad. "We are sixty meters below sea level, after all."

You hummed in agreement as you pulled a chair out and took a seat next to the Kujo, "I suppose you're right about that. However, we do have scuba gear that we could probably use if we need to leave the submarine."

"Wow... I guess this is to be expected of a pleasure cruiser for the wealthy." Spoke Kakyoin as he looked around, "A refrigerator, coffee maker... Not to mention the latest satellite phones."

"Wow!" Exclaimed Polnareff as he took the remaining seat next to you, "Get me a drink, Kakyoin! I'm parched."

You rose your hand a bit to get Noriaki's attention, "I'd like one, too, please."

"I'll have one as well." Called out Avdol from the wheel.

"Alright. Is Cola okay?" Asked Kakyoin as he reached into the fridge.

"Hey, old man." Jotaro rose his voice, "What's the matter? You're just standing there."

Joseph was indeed standing. Right in front of the phone, "Everyone, be quiet for a moment. I'm going to make a phone call."

"A phone call? To where?!" Questioned Polnareff.

Kakyoin stepped away from the fridge, "It must be very important if you're calling from here."

Joseph pushed in several buttons as he held the green communication device to his ear, "Yes, it's an important and delicate matter. Everyone, please be quiet." Everyone exchanged glances as they listened to the Joestar, "Hello, it's Joseph. R-Right... I'm at a hotel. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be back any time soon, because of work. Y-Yes. I'm sorry. By the way, Susie..." Your eyes widened. So that's who he was calling. "Have you spoken to Holly? No there's no need for that. I'm sure she'll recover quickly. You're such a worrywart..."

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