The Right Path

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Dio's well manicured hand moved over his mouth to repress his chuckle, "Although, it hasn't even been half an hour. I wasn't all that surprised to find you missing from my chambers, but I am delighted to see you have returned so willingly. Did you miss me that much?"

"Of course." You responded, sarcastically as Iggy gave a low growl. "You know full well of my undying love for you. Being away as long as I was has pained me so much it tore my heart in two."

He put a hand over his heart, "Oh, how much you wound me, my darling little (Y/N). If you join me I'll even let you keep that dog if you'd like. I don't mind a pet or two."

Caesar glared up at the vampire, finally coming face to face with the person responsible for his grandfather's death. "You..."

One of Dio's eyebrows quirked upwards, "Oh? What do we have here? A Zeppeli? I'm surprised you've made it this far." He shrugged nonchalantly, "I suppose it's just another bloodline I must put an end to."

Polnareff took a step towards the vampire, "Dio!"

"Yes, yes. I see you too, Polnareff." Dio slowly clapped his hands, "Congratulations, by the way. You've avenged your sister, and managed to travel from the Far East to make it here."

Polnareff gave a harsh laugh, "If you want to give me a prize for that, how about you give me your life?" He grabbed one of the drapes lining the walls and spat blood onto it.

Dio's laugh reverberated throughout the room, "I'll give you all a chance. Walk down two steps, and I'll let you join my side. But if you'd rather die, then climb those stairs. It's a special case for (Y/N), of course." He tapped his bottom lip, "I expect at least one kiss from you in exchange for my forgiveness."

You exchanged a glance with your companions and took a synchronized step upwards. But it came apparent quite quickly that things hadn't exactly gone as planned. The most evident factor being Dio's lips suddenly connected with yours as he held you in his arms. Additionally, your tongues had already been intertwined. Without hesitation, you bit down and pushed against his chest. He didn't recoil in the slightest as the flavor of his blood began to coat your tastebuds. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Polnareff, Caesar, and Iggy all standing two steps lower than before while looking confused.

Dio eventually did pull away to poke fun at the others for his little prank, "I have to say, I didn't expect all of you to want to join me, Dio." They tried again only to be reverted to the same position. Sure, Dio could apparently stop time, but was he really using it to move three beings down the stairs? "What's the matter? All of you are beginning to lose your composure. Doesn't one lose their composure when they're afraid? Or is it that in your heart, you know you must climb up, but you're so terrified your body subconsciously did the opposite and went down? I'm sure it's quite similar for (Y/N), except the strings of fate have simply bound us together. No matter how much she tries, she can't possibly hope to escape me."

He continued to ignore your struggles. Getting out of his hold was difficult, especially since you didn't want to bring out Kars in the fear he would just obliterate your Stand once more. It was already going to be a pain to find Wamuu's lip ring scattered amidst the pillows and blankets on the room of Dio's floor after all this nonsense was settled.

"Say, have you ever considered why humans wish to live?" Dio began to walk over to his throne just a few paces away from his current position with you still held tightly against him. His heels clicked with each step. "Humans live hoping to conquer their anxieties and fears, and attain peace of mind." He took a seat and slowly began caressing your (h/c) hair. "Seeking fame, controlling others, and acquiring wealth are all done to achieve peace of mind. Marriage and friendship are also pursued as means of attaining peace of mind. When humans say they wish to help others, or that a thing is done for love or justice... It's all merely to give themselves peace of mind. To achieve peace of mind is the goal of all mankind. Now, seeing that, what anxiety could you possibly feel towards serving me? Any other peace of mind will come easily if you do. Now, doesn't facing me even knowing that it may spell your death, bring you anxiety?"

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