A Bit Over the Edge

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Polnareff pulled into an empty parking space and everyone got out of the car. "A roadside tea house..." Observed the Joestar. "Let's take a break. If we take our time, we may avoid running into that car." The lot of you turned a corner to see the seating area full of people. You all went up to a man putting a plant through some sort of compressor, the greenish liquid dripped into a cup "What's that?"

"Sugarcane juice." Replied the man. "Wanna try some?"

Joseph hesitantly picked up the glass, "Alright, then..." The man squeezed in a bit of lemon juice before the Joestar began to bring the drink to his lips. He saw something in the reflection of the glass and turned to see the car from before parked nearby.

"I-It's him! That car's here!" Stammered Polnareff as he followed the Joestar's gaze. The French man walked over to the car with Jotaro, only to see it empty.

"Hey, I need to ask you something." Joseph was speaking to the sugarcane guy, "Where's the driver of that car parked over there?" He pointed to the red vehicle.

The guy blinked rapidly, "I-I'm not sure. I didn't notice when it parked there..."

"I doubt that the driver will just come out and announce himself." Spoke Kakyoin.

"He's messing with us!" Polnareff looked carefully at the people who were seated and chatting amongst themselves.

"You guys wouldn't have happened to see any identification in his car, by any chance?" Asked Caesar.

Polnareff shook his head, "No, the inside was empty of anything that could help us locate the culprit."

Joseph sighed, "This leaves us with only one option. Right, Jotaro?"

The Kujo grunted in agreement, "It'll involve some innocent bystanders, but..." He pointed at some people seated around a table, causing them to give confused looks in the high schooler's direction. "We'll just beat them all down!" He picked up the nearest guy by the collar of his shirt and slammed him into a wall.

"H-Hey, Jotaro, stop!" Shouted Kakyoin. "Mr. Joestar, you too?! Mr. Zeppeli, why?! This is going too far!"

Polnareff joined in on the fun, grabbing another man from the table, "A face like yours looks the most suspicious..."

"C-Come on!" Squealed a man who seemed on the verge of tears.

You all stopped when you heard the sound of a car door being slammed shut. You let out a long sigh, "Damn it. I should've kept an eye on the car while you all were beating the crap out of random people." The car zoomed on up the dirt road, the only thing visible being his right arm.

"Why didn't you?" Asked Polnareff.

You tapped your chin in thought, "I believe I was too busy contemplating whether or not to join in..."

"Did anyone see his face?" Questioned Caesar.

"No." Mumbled Kakyoin. "What is he trying to do? He seems like a random crazy driver, but also like someone who's after us."

Polnareff's body tensed up and he balled his hands into fists, "It's going to piss me off if we don't chase him down and take care of this." He ran back to your beaten up car, the rest of you hopped in, taking your original seats. "Not to mention we owe him payback for the truck that almost hit us earlier!"

Polnareff swerved and turned while driving at high speeds to follow after the red car. "Damn it! For a piece of shit car, it goes pretty fast."

Caesar had a large paper unfolded in front of him, "That's strange. According to the map, we should be running parallel with train tracks here."

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