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Despite the shock, Jonathan helped you to your feet. You scratched the back of your neck sheepishly. Everyone stared at you as if they had seen a ghost. Realizing your clothes had split in half you had thin strands of blood sew it together.

Jonathan spoke first, "(Y/N)...What are you?"

Straizo noticed the holes in your neck that had yet to disappear. "She must be a vampire, Dio's bit her already. Even if she is our friend, she won't be able to hold off the blood thirst for long. It will be better to kill her now."

You were going to explain yourself but Jonathan did instead, "She can't be a vampire-"

Straizo cut him off, "You may deny it, but it's the only-"

"No, you don't understand, I used Hamon on her to perhaps ease the pain. If she was undead she'd have melted to a crisp."

"What? Then what is she?"

"Just let me speak, Okay?!" They went silent and looked to you, "Dio tried to turn me into a vampire, it didn't work. My Hamon and blood reacted weirdly with his own and now I can control my blood. I am also now incapable of using Hamon. I have no hunger for anyone's blood."

The others in the room seemed to relax a bit and silence filled the air. You looked to the railing the Dio had fallen from. Jonathan did the same, tears welling up in his eyes before cascading down is cheeks.


The blue haired man then collapsed into your arms. You struggled to support his weight.

"He fainted!"

You tried to gently lay him down onto the stone, "All the fights he was in must have warn him out. It's for the best if he gets some rest."

Poco moved towards Jonathan's sleeping form, "Why would he cry after killing a bad guy like that?" Poco looked to your face and saw that you were shedding tears as well. "Are you crying too?"

You brought a hand to your face and felt that you had indeed been crying, "I suppose I cared for the guy more than I thought. As for Jonathan, despite everything that Dio has done to him, he was still his brother."

Speedwagon moved to put an arm around you shoulder and used his other hand to wipe your remaining tears away. "But me? I can smile happily!" He looked up to sky and shouted, "Are you watching, Baron Zeppeli? He did it! Jonathan finally did it! Dio is dead!" Speedwagon rose Zeppeli's hat to the sky.

You smiled at Speedwagon's antics. Hopefully the Hamon user could pass on to whatever was after death peacefully. You then felt a weird pain along your throat where Dio had poured his blood as well as the fang holes. You clutched the spot with your hand and Speedwagon looked to you worriedly.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"I'm not sure...I just have a weird feeling, almost as if Dio isn't fully gone. Which I know is crazy, we saw the Hamon destroy him, but this feeling..."

Speedwagon looked over the railing. He didn't see anything besides a few scraps of Dio's clothes. You looked over as well, relieved that it appeared as though he really was gone, "I don't think you need to worry anymore, (Y/N). Even if by some small chance he survived, we'll just beat him again."

"You're right, Speedwagon."

You walked over to where your blood had dropped Dio's scarf. You picked it up and dusted it off before pocketing it. You and your blonde friend hoisted Jonathan up and slowly moved out of Dio's castle. On the way, Speedwagon grabbed the stone mask to destroy it later. Poco and his sister returned to their home. After a while, Jonathan woke up. The three of you and Zeppeli's remaining friends moved down to the base of the cliff. You searched around finding only the scraps of clothing you had seen previously.

The five of you gathered sticks and such to create a fire. Once the fire started, all of you picked out the ripped pieces of cloth and threw them into the flames. Speedwagon noticed the scarf sticking out of your pocket.

"Do you want to throw that in as well?"

You took it out and slowly caressed the smooth fabric before putting it around your neck, covering the fang marks. "I think I'll keep this for now." He shrugged and the five of you sat around the fire, enjoying its warmth. "Well, now what are we going to do?"

The old man whose name you learned to be Tonpetty, answered, "Straizo and I will be going back to continue our ways of Hamon. Even if the threat has been defeated, others may seek knowledge in the art. If you have nowhere to go, you can stay with us."

"I appreciate the offer, but I wouldn't want to intrude. I'm afraid I won't be much use if I can't use the Ripple. Plus, I have people here that I'd rather not just leave."

Tonpetty and Straizo nodded at your answer, "Of course, but the offer will remain, just in case."

You looked to Jonathan, "Do you have any plans, Jonathan?"

The blue haired man adverted his gaze, "Uh...well. I think I'm going to propose to Erina."

You widened you eyes and a big smile formed on your face, "Good for you! I'm sure she'll say yes." You looked to your blonde friend. "What are you going to do, Speedwagon?"

He pulled out the mask and lifted it towards the sky, "Once the sun rises, I destroy this evil mask. That way it'll never fall into the wrong hands again." He turned his head and his eyes met yours, "The sun! What if you can't survive in the sun!"

You looked to the mountains and saw that the sun was beginning to peak through. Your gaze turned to the ground. "I don't know, Speedwagon. I suppose I'll either have to accept it or hide away."

"You should go into the castle, it's not worth is to just risk your life! I can't lose you again..."

Speedwagon pulled you into a hug. You gently patted his back, "Okay...I will."

You stepped into the darkness of the tower with Speedwagon right behind you. The others put out the fire. After several minutes went by, the sun rose above the mountain tops. The light bringing a sense of life to area. You opened the door and slowly stuck your hand into the sunlight. Nothing seemed to happen and you enjoyed the warmth of the sun upon your palm.

The four men that were watching it happen sighed in relief. It appeared as though the sun was not your enemy. You scrunched your eyebrows as your skin began to redden.

"Does it hurt at all?" Asked Straizo.

"It stings a bit, but I don't think it'll do much more than that. I suppose I'll have to carry around a parasol for shade."

Speedwagon extended an arm out to you. "Well, let's go get one then." You accepted his hand and stepped out in to the sunlight. The two of you began walking towards town to go fetch you a proper parasol. The others walked the same path before going in their own directions.

"So, (Y/N), you never said what you're going to do now that it's over."

"I don't really know. I'm not entirely sure what I can do."

Speedwagon adverted his gaze, "Well, I really care for you, (Y/N). You know that already, but I realized its not just as a friend. I want it to be more than that. It's probably selfish, and you deserve better than a street thug like me..."

You cut him off by pulling him into a kiss, surprising the blonde man. " are so much more than just a street thug. You've always been there for me and you deserve the world. I believe I would also like to be more than friends, If that really is what you want."

Speedwagon pulled you into the kiss this time. He'd always loved you, but was never sure if you felt the same way. He pulled back after his breath ran out. He smiled at you fondly while gently caressing your cheek. "Of course it is."

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