You, Caesar, and Iggy walked back to where the others said they were going to wait only to see no one in sight, "Huh, did they just ditch us?"
Caesar let out a sigh, "It sure seems like it..."
You closed your eyes in mild frustration as you looked down the street. You were a bit startled when you felt a pair of sturdy arms wrap around your waist from behind. "Hey, it seems I've managed to keep my promise. Did you miss me?"
You turned around to face them and immediately embraced them in a tight hug, "Noriaki! You're back!" You pulled back a second later, "Wait, how did you find us?"
He gave an awkward laugh, "Well, I've sort of just been wandering around. I'm as surprised as you are. But hey, what do you think of my shades?" He pushed the sunglasses higher up on his face with his pointer finger. "My eyes are still a bit sensitive so the doctors recommended that I wear them, but they're pretty cool, right?"
You nodded approvingly, "Yes, very cool."
Caesar piped in as well, "It's good to see you again, Kakyoin." He extended a hand which the red haired man shook.
"Same here, Mr. Zeppeli." Kakyoin turned his attention to the injured dog at your heels, "Hey, what happened to Iggy?"
You shrugged, "You know, the usual. A good old enemy Stand attack."
The high school's students features quickly hardened, "Right. Of course." He started looking around the plaza, "Now, where did that SPW doctor go? I could've sworn he was still nearby. He could help nurse the wounds."
A middle aged man walked out from around the corner. He was holding a med kit. "My apologies I just went to grab the necessary tools. Let me see the dog." You handed Iggy over to him and he made quick work of it all. Cleaning and bandaging every cut and scrape to the utmost perfection. Once done, the man placed Iggy in your arms. "I shall be going now. Good luck in your endeavors."
You waved a goodbye, "Thanks, we'll need all the luck we can get."
Kakyoin tilted his head in a confused state as he finally looked around the rest of the plaza, "Wait, what happened to everyone else?"
You and Caesar exchanged a glance and the Italian brought out a bubble. "Joseph Joestar." Apparently they weren't too far as an image did form. The Joestar and the others seemed very worried until they turned around and spotted the bubble and started waving at it. His mouth started moving but you couldn't hear anything. Then Joseph decided to start making goofy faces even though he wouldn't be able to see your reactions.
You noticed a sign in the background, "Oh, it seems like they're standing in front of a hotel. I think I remember passing by that earlier."
You led Caesar and Kakyoin to where you thought the others were. Before you rounded the last corner, Kakyoin grabbed your hand. "Wait, I want to surprise them. You two go out first, I'll be there in a moment."
You gave him a thumbs up and walked into view of your companions. Polnareff's eyes lit up and he began to run towards you only for Star Platinum to appear and pull him back by the strap of his shirt. Despite almost falling backwards, he was still happy to see you, "(Y/N), you're okay! But... what took you so long?"
Joseph's eyes widened as his gaze fell on the dog, "Iggy's been injured! Did he get ran over by a car?"
Avdol shook his head, "No, he's not the type of dog to get into a car accident." He looked at you, "It was the enemy, right?"
You nodded, "Exactly. It's because he found Dio's base and a guardian was keeping watch. An SPW doctor was able to treat his wounds."
"That's right." Everyone's focused shifted to Kakyoin who just walked out from around the corner, "And it was the same one that fixed my eyes."

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader