Hospital Visit

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You sat next to Kakyoin on his hospital bed. You took an orange out of the paper bag on his bedside table and started peeling it for him. The others were checking in on Avdol.

He let out a small sigh as he parted his lips to let you place the piece of fruit into his mouth, "Do they know yet if I'm going to be alright?"

You shook your head, but he couldn't see that due to the bandages wrapped around his eyes, "No, they don't know if you'll still be able to see after this, but they have high hopes."

Kakyoin chewed slowly as he nodded, "I know a kid in my class whose eye was smashed in by a baseball only to be completely fine the next day. I'm sure I'll be fine. I suppose it can't be helped if I do end up going blind, but the moment I'm better I'll find you to help out again." His hand moved along the side of the bed, searching for your own until he found it. He brought your hand up to his mouth and planted a soft kiss on your knuckles. "I promise."

Then the door to his room swung open and Joseph stick his head in, "Avdol's waking up, you want to see him?"

"I'll be there in a minute." Joseph shrugged and left. You stood up and kissed Kakyoin on the forehead, "Get better soon, Noriaki." You then went out the door, closing it behind you with a light clicking noise.

You walked down the rather long hallway to the Egyptian's room. When you went inside, he was sitting up in his bed with a bandage wrapped around his neck. The others weren't with him and had probably passed you in the hall to check on one of the other individuals.

Avdol's eyes lit up as he saw you, "(Y/N), I am glad to see you are doing alright. Seeing you pulled into the sand like that was quite a shock." He patted a spot on the bed next to him.

You accepted his offer and took a seat, "N'Doul told me he had defeated you, Muhammad. At first I thought he might have killed you."

"Tsk, tsk. You really thought some water Stand would be enough to defeat me, the great Muhammad Avdol?" He gave a boisterous laugh and clapped you upside the shoulder. "But I am more than ready to pay back the rest of Dio's minions the damage that was done to me." He stood up off the bed, lending you a hand to help you up as well.

You gave him a worried look, not entirely sure if it would be good for him to leave the hospital so soon. He seemed fine enough, though, so you walked out with to the lobby where everyone else was now gathered about.

Caesar walked up to you while the others surrounded the counter to look at the hospital bill. "I went to visit Mark, but he was still out cold."

You rubbed the back of your neck, "Yeah, I know. As soon as he's fit to leave the hospital, I'm going to give him a paid leave. Maybe get him to go on a vacation with his wife. I'll probably try to convince him to retire. He's nearing seventy years of age, he deserves a break."

"Ah! It's so cuuute!" Squealed a girl from just outside the hospital.

"What's with this puppy?" Asked one of her friends.

"It's so unique!" Chimed in another.

"What in the world? He's chewing gum. Is he waiting for someone?"

"And here I thought he was just waiting outside." Mumbled Avdol.

"Yare yare." Jotaro stared at the dog.

"I wonder why he's chewing gum." Spoke a girl in a nurse uniform.

The glass door slid open as you walked outside, "Because he wants to." Iggy's ears perked up at the sound of your voice.

Polnareff showed up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder as he whispered to you, "Let's just leave him with them. What use is a dog going to be for us anyway." The French man backed away from you as Iggy started growling at him. The dog than leaped into your arms again, snuggling up against your chest.

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