"Shoot!" Joseph touched Straizo with the gun and sent his Hamon through it. The force of the blow flung him against the wall once again, but he remained fairly intact. "Let's see, now. I hear Hamon melts vampire faces. Now we find out." Joseph began picking the vampire up by his scarf and let out a surprised yelp when he saw the vampire intact.
You shouted, "Move back Joseph!" You grabbed onto his arm to pull him behind you and he let another shocked sound when Straizo returned to his feet. You realized he was going to fire the eye lasers again. You moved your arm into the line of fire. The moment the lasers broke your skin, your blood changed its physical properties to stop it from going through the other end, learning from your past experience. It hurt like hell, but it would likely heal in no time.
Joseph didn't know you could do that with your blood so he had dodged anyways. He looked up to see if you were okay and was a bit surprised to see two holes in your arm healing at an incredible pace. He then looked to the vampire, "N-No melting there! It's like nothing happened! Were (Y/N) and Granny wrong?"
You mentaly slammed your head into the wall for not telling Joseph something so important, better late than never, though. "It's his scarf. It's made with the intestinal fibers of Satiporoja beetles. It is incredibly great at conducting and dispersing Hamon. I apologize for not informing you of this earlier, it must have slipped my mind. To kill him we must destroy it."
Straizo glared at the two of you. He was clearly upset that you had taken the attack for Joseph. "I should've taken care of you sooner, (Y/N). Joseph may become a deadly foe before long and it won't do me much good if your protecting him. I am Straizo, the successor of 4,000 years of Hamon history. I know its strengths and weaknesses. You are fighting an expert! I am not Dio!"
You clenched your teeth at the mentioning of the Blonde vampire's name. "Don't you dare mention that piece of trash!" You would've attacked him but it was Joseph's turn to pull you by the arm to slowly exit the area.
"Wow, that's really something! But do you really think I'd rely on this Hamon thing alone?" He smiled and pulled the string in his hand, successfully removing the pin on a grenade placed on Straizo's scarf. "I'm also speedy as hell!"
"He planted a grenade on my scarf! How?!" Joseph's hold on you tightened as he jumped with you out the window of the cafe. Straizo swatted the grenade away, "Hmph! A silly trick!"
"Hah! I told you you should've spent some time in the city! Take a look at the grenade you knocked away!"
The grenade was attached via string to several others and the action caused them to activate. "You son of a..." He let out a loud scream of anger as his body burst aflame and splattered into several pieces.
Joseph was crouched below the window. He held you in a sort of awkward hug so that any debris wouldn't hit you. Not that you really cared if it did anyways. "G-Got him!"
Smokey, who was standing next to the two of you, helped you to your feet. You glanced at the mess of a building, an shook your head, "That won't kill him, his clothes will have been destroyed, though. At least Hamon is an option now."
Joseph quickly stood up at your words, looking into the debris alongside you, "W-What the hell is he?!" Smokey looked closer as well, letting out a terrified squeal. "Smokey, look away!"
"Too late!" He clasped his hands together, praying. "Oh God! I promise I'll never ever commit any wrong again! No stealing... no pick pocketing! Please save me!" The three of you watched as his body began to reform itself. Clumps of torn flesh meeting in the center of the room. "H-He's a monster." Straizo began standing up, "D-Do you have a way to beat a monster like this, JoJo?"

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader