The four of you were quickly approaching the island. The wind flowed through everyone's hair
and there was a light mist from the boat moving through the water. Lisa extended an arm towards the the land, "That entire island is my home."Joseph still had the mask wrapped tightly around his face, "We have to prepare to face death, eh?" He glanced at you, "You're lucky you don't have to deal with that problem."
You gaze lingered on the island, "Hmm, I kind of wish I did..."
The rest of the ride was rather awkward after that. Eventually the boat stopped at a small dock and the four of you made your way to a brick tower of sorts. A spiral staircase wrapped around the outside. In front of you was a large metal door that led inside.
"The prologue to your trial begins now. I call it the Hell Climb Pillar!"
"Wh-What?!" Shouted Caesar, alarmed since he knew about the pillar.
Joseph, did not, and he was confused, "What's this about?"
"M-Master, Must we begin with Hell Climb Pillar?! I've never once attempted it. Hell Climb Pillar has claimed many a challenger."
Like Joseph, you didn't know what it was, but based on the name and Caesar's reaction, you could tell it probably wasn't anything good.
"If you cannot complete this trial, then you have no right to remain on this island."
"Hey, don't keep this a secret between yourselves!" Shouted Joseph as Lisa opened the doors. "What the hell is Hell Climb Pillar anyways?"
You raised your hand slightly, "Yes, I would also like to know what this pillar thing is."
"Step through these doors and you'll see."
You were about to say something when you were suddenly pushed forward along with Caesar and Joseph. The suddenness of the push made you bite your tongue hard enough to bleed. Your blood instinctually wrapped around the railing of one of the bridges above the pit, leaving you suspended in the air by your tongue while the other two fell into the darkness. You quickly grabbed onto your blood rope to support yourself better and not rip your speaking appendage off. You also barely managed to hook your umbrella on your foot to stop from dropping into the abyss.
While Caesar and Joseph plopped into the oil, Lisa stared at you from he door frame. She had intended to test out your abilities, but hadn't expected it to turn out like this. She looked down at the Hamon users, "It's 24 meters to the top. Climb using only your bare hands. There is no other way to leave. Fail to climb to the top, and the pit will be your grave."
She glanced to you, "(Y/N), I suppose you can just climb up your...rope. Without Hamon, doing it the proper way is impossible." You would've said something, but your mouth was occupied at the moment. She then closed the doors and left.
You could hear Joseph from the bottom of the pit, "We have to climb this slippery, 24 meter tall pillar?!" He looked to you and waved his arms to get your attention, "Can you make a rope for me too? She's not watching right now, I'm sure she won't notice!" You used a finger to tug at the skin under your eye as your tongue remained stuck out. "C'mon! I thought we were buddies?!" You continued to ignore him and he started angrily slosh around the oil, "Damn it!"
You climbed upwards, the blood slowly retracting into your body as you did so. Caesar started making his way up at a decent speed while Joseph had yet to start. You quite easily made it to the top and pulled yourself onto the bridge. You tugged on your tongue a bit, glad it was now intact. You then looked around the area and realized Lisa wasn't there, at least not yet.

The Ludicrous Escapade
ФанфикStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader