Is He Really Alright?

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Eventually, you all managed to make it to Singapore. Sure, your face had become very sunburned, but overall, things were okay. Plus, it would heal fairly quick anyways. For now, your group was standing on the sidewalk.

"Good grief." Spoke Polnareff, "We're finally here."

Joseph spoke up, "We'll stay at a hotel tonight and figure out our route to Egypt." After a short walk, he pointed to a rather tall building that appeared to be mostly windows. "Alright, let's stay at this hotel."

You heard the sound of someone blowing a whistle and you all turned to see an officer, "Hey, you!" He pointed at Polnareff. "You! I'm talking to you!"

Polnareff pointed to himself, confused, "Huh?"

The officer continued with his accusation, "You! You threw this trash, didn't you? That's a fine of five hundred Singapore dollars!"

"What? Five hundred?" Questioned Polnareff.

The officer pointed to a sign, "In Singapore, the law says you will be fined for littering!"

Kakyoin spoke, "Five hundred Singapore dollars..."

You did some quick math with currency exchange rates, "That's about forty thousand yen."

"Trash?" Polnareff was still confused. "What are you talking about?" The man pointed to the bag on the ground and Avdol stifled a laugh. "I don't see anything here but my own luggage." He tapped the officer's chest with his finger, "Would you be so kind as to tell me what trash you're referring to?" He put a hand on the guy's shoulder and gave a rather creepy smile, "Where is this trash, sir?"

He leaned in closer to the the man, intimidating him, "Th-That's your luggage?"

You put a hand on Polnareff's bicep, successfully earning his full attention, "Just give the guy a break, Jean..."

And with that, the French man's mood shifted entirely, "Of course, (Y/N)." He removed his arm from the officer and then even dusted the man's uniform off. The guy gave you a thankful nod before quickly leaving the area. Everyone then burst into laughter, including Anne who had been following you since you arrived on land.

Caesar spoke up, "I wonder, why is she still following us?"

"Hey, weren't you going to go see your father?" Asked Joseph.

Polnareff narrowed his eyes at the girl, "Why don't you stop following us and get going?"

She let out a huff of air as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand. "I'm meeting up with him in five days. I can go wherever I want! I'm not taking orders from you guys." She had been trying to appear angry and annoyed, but after she finished talking she seemed almost sad.

"She'll be in danger if she stays with us." Commented Avdol.

Kakyoin told his theory, "Maybe she doesn't have any money."

Joseph sighed, "Alright... I guess we can pay for her hotel room."

You pointed a finger at yourself, "By we you don't happen to mean me, right?"

Joseph gave an awkward laugh, "What?! Of course not! I'll be paying for it." You narrowed your eyes at him, fairly certain that what he said was not his original intention. "(Y/N), bring her but don't hurt her pride."

You smiled and gave a two fingered salute, "Yes, sir." You walked over to Anne who was sitting on the ground, "Hey, if you're going to be coming with us, we'll pay for your room at the hotel, okay?"

She gave a slow nod, "Okay..."

Avdol looked at the hotel, "Well then, let us check in..."

So the eight of you entered the hotel. The lobby was quite busy and the room was filled with chatter. Joseph was leaning on the reception desk while writing on the provided paper.

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