The French Man waved at you excitedly as he jogged over to the alleyway, Nena trailed not too far behind. You and Caesar immediately put your Stands away, not wanting Nena to recognize Caesar as the creator of the bubble she popped. "Hey, (Y/N)! I was wondering where you were!" He slowed down to a stop, "Wait, why are you in an alleyway?" He then registered that Caesar was there too, "Oh, hello Mr. Zeppeli."
You put a hand on his shoulder, ready to spill the beans about the Woman standing behind the French man. However, you didn't get to utter a single word when she pressed herself up against him, "Oh, Polnareff. I'm a woman who can't survive without a reliable man. I love you... because you're very reliable and kind."
Polnareff was shocked, "Oh, is that the direction you thought I was going in? I'm sorry but I like someone else." His eyes trail over to you who was mouthing the words, 'Nena is an enemy Stand user.' He grabbed the woman's shoulders and moved her away from himself while laughing nervously, "I apologize, but I can't return your feelings..."
He brought out Silver Chariot behind the woman's head, being careful to not let her see it. The rapier was angled at the nape of her neck, you supposed he was going to end her in one swift strike. But he never got the chance as fluid began pouring out of her mouth. Polnareff quickly backed away from her, pulling you behind him. Nena's body split open and a shorter, more chubby woman came out. The new lady had several cuts form all over her body before collapsing on the ground.
"So that's The Empress's Stand user..." Spoke Joseph as he walked into everyone's line of sight. He folded his arms and leaned against the wall, "This ugly woman... She attached her Stand to me as a tumor with a human face, and camouflaged herself as a beautiful woman." He walked over to the Zeppeli, "But it looks like you made it out safely, Caesar-chan."
You noticed the cuts and blood coating the Joestar's skin, there was even a shallow hole in his neck. You grazed you're fingers over it, "Are you alright, Joseph?"
He laughed cockily, "I completely crushed the Stand, I didn't even break a sweat. You should've seen how cool I looked. But," He leaned his face a bit closer to yours as he grabbed your wrist, "I wouldn't mind you nursing my wounds..."
Polnareff leaned into your back while sort of tugging you away from Joseph, "She has to heal my wounds first."
Joseph narrowed his gaze, "But you weren't even injured."
Polnareff shook his head, "No not physical wounds, mental ones." He tapped his temple, "She has to fix me emotionally."
A pair of bubble hands nudged Joseph and Polnareff's faces. The Joestar looked at the Stand, confused, "Wait, What is this? Is there another enemy Stand user nearby?" He let go of you and started looking around while bringing out Hermit Purple. Polnareff brought out Silver Chariot and seemed ready to stab it with his rapier.
Caesar waved his hands frantically, "Wait, Polnareff! Don't hurt it! It's my Stand. I just got it recently."
Joseph stared at the Zeppeli as if trying to determine if he was telling the truth and not joking or something. Having found his answer, he grinned widely, "That's great!" He gave his friend a double high five. "We have to tell the others!"
Polnareff tapped his chin in thought, "Oh yeah. Jotaro and Kakyoin are still at the hotel. I guess we should head over there."
Joseph gave an awkward laugh, "I'm afraid I'll have to say no to that. Caesar and I are kind of wanted for murder right now." He looked at you, "(Y/N), would you be able to clear this mess up?"
You sighed and moved a hand through your hair, "It would take a bit longer than last time, the deceased in this case is more closely linked to you after all. It'll get done, of course, but we should probably just hit the road again."

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader