Smoke seemed to swirl around behind Vanilla Ice as his stand took form. It had a dark cowl similar to an executioner's. The man moved over a large vase so it rested in front of him. "Please accept this!" Shouted the man as his Stand raised its arm and swung down on its user's neck. Blood sprayed out of the wound and his body moved onto the vase letting the pottery catch all his red life liquid. Eventually, he collapsed to the floor next to his severed head.
Dio seemed almost impressed as he sat up and placed you back on the seat. "You severed your own head... that makes me happy." He sauntered on over to the body, his currently bare feet not making any noise upon touching the ground, "But, Vanilla Ice... I cannot accept blood from someone of your caliber."
You shook your head disapprovingly. Not because he had killed the man named Vanilla Ice. You were certain that such a thing would've had to be done anyways, by you or one of your companions. No, it was really just because the blood was suddenly too good for him to drink despite having pretty much asked the man for it.
The vampire crouched down next to the body, brushing a hand through his blonde hair as he laughed at your expression, "What? You have to admit it is quite amusing." He tilted his head a bit as he looked at the blood still seeping out onto the stone floor. "Albeit a bit messy, even though he tried to catch it in the vase. What a pain. I suppose I'll have to ask someone to clean that up later." He stood back up, "You see, my darling (Y/N), I'd much rather have my final drink be someone of the Joestar bloodline. It'd be almost poetic, don't you think?" He hummed in thought, "Joseph or Jotaro, who shall I partake of first?" He cut open his wrist and let the blood poor into Vanilla Ice's neck.
Your eyes widened, your hand subconsciously moving to your own neck where you had to experience such a thing once before, "Dio, why are you...?"
"I already said I wasn't going to drink his blood. Even I, Dio, would not have someone kill themselves for no reason. I'm simply turning him into a vampire like I failed to do with you. He will regain life from my blood."
You furrowed your eyebrows, annoyed, "Yes, I know how it works. I'm just surprised you're so willing to share your power with someone else. Well, I suppose with how loyal he is it doesn't really matter."
"Exactly." Purred Dio. "And I have no doubt that he will be the one to finish the job." He narrowed his eyes slightly, "Or perhaps I should say that he'll at least be the one to properly start it. Oh, and congratulations on-"
Vanilla's eyes suddenly shot wide open and he cut off the vampire, "Lord Dio..."
Dio seemed angry from being interrupted, but he took in a deep breath and calmed himself. He gave his attention to the now undead man, "It truly is best to have your own body. It's immediately compatible. I will leave them to you, Vanilla Ice."
The smoky substance reappeared behind Vanilla Ice, "Lord Dio, I will live up to your expectations. I shall eliminate them all without fail." His Stand then took its shape. Despite having seen all multitude of things in your life, you were still quite shocked when the Stand practically inhaled its user in through its mouth. It then proceeded to bend its limbs and eat itself before disappearing entirely. Though that wasn't quite true as the invisible sphere made a circle in the bedroom wall.
Dio let out a sigh, "I've told him so many times to just leave through the door. I had thought he might have learned when he left earlier, but it seems I was incorrect in that assumption."
The wound on his arm had already healed as he strode back over to you. He grabbed a strand of your hair and rubbed it between his fingers, "I apologize for our first time together after all these years being so short. But I'm going to make a quick trip to my study."

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader