"Oh gosh, that's not good!" Your hands clasped tightly around Joseph's biceps to steady yourself as the ground shook beneath you.
Stroheim spoke seriously to you and Joseph, "JoJo, the shock from the plane triggered an eruption! We can celebrate after we get out of here!"
Joseph nodded as he moved away from you to pick up the remaining half of Stroheim, "Right. Hang on tight!"
He began to move away from the mouth of the volcano and you followed not far behind. You noticed a crack forming towards Joseph. "Watch out!" You screamed as you tried to move him out of the way. Half of Joseph's left arm and a few of your fingers were severed in a flash of light.
The two of you let out pained gasps while staring at the bladed arm sticking out of the ground. With a splurt of lava, Kars dived out of the volcano before landing gracefully. His entire body was coated in a shell of sorts and more importantly he was still very much alive.
The shell sizzled slightly and began to crack along his face. A few pieces fell to reveal his rather gorgeous appearance, though you'd never admit that to the ultimate being. Joseph continued to scream in pain and crouched down while clutching his handless arm. You began using the blood from your fingers to cover the wound. It wouldn't do any good to have the Joestar bleed to death. You kept glancing at Kars, at least somewhat relieved he wasn't doing anything to stop you from helping Joseph.
Kars narrowed his gaze at the two of you while sort of humming as if he had just eaten something truly delicious. "Such a beautiful cry. It's music to my ears. Oh how I've longed to hear that shriek, JoJo!"
Stroheim was frozen in fear, though he couldn't really move much anyways, "Kars... but how?!" Stroheim stared at a piece of Kars' shell. "Now I understand. Kars is... He's a god. He's become a god. We humans stand no chance against him! All we can do is submit!"
Joseph continued to make small pained sounds, sure the bleeding may have stopped, but the arm was still severed. Kars cupped a hand near his ear, "What was that? Did you just say something, JoJo?"
Joseph gritted his teeth as he stood up, also pushing you away slightly. "Take this! Overdrive!" He swung a leg towards Kars passing Hamon through it.
You quickly grabbed onto his leg, canceling the Hamon and stopping the kick. "Don't... Hamon won't work on him anymore."
Joseph glared at you, "Damn it, (Y/N)! How can we know for sure unless we try?!"
Kars fingers began to move through your hair, "She's right, you know. Your weak Hamon can do nothing against me now. Perhaps you should listen to your companions, JoJo. Resisting me is futile!" One of Kars' legs swept under you, causing you to fall as he struck Joseph's leg with his own Hamon. His Hamon was not the usual yellow, but a much more colorful glow. The hand that wasn't used to attack quickly grabbed you before you hit the ground.
You could feel a bit of Kars' Hamon. The life energy rippling through you in a way you hadn't felt for fifty years. For the brief moment it went through you, you almost felt alive again. While you were in shock from the odd sensation, Joseph was knocked back towards Stroheim.
The Joestar's knee seemed to be reducing itself to liquid with a trail of steam rising from the wound. "That shock! I'm melting! No! My leg is melting!"
Stroheim's mouth fell agape, "What? It's like he used...!"
Joseph shook his head, "It can't be!"
Kars tilted his head to look down on them better, "That's right! It's Hamon, dimwit! Did that puny brain of yours still think it was beyond me, even after I conquered the sun?!"

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader