Is It Hot in Here, or Is It Just Me?

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The seller brought out six camels that were already equipped with saddles and the like. Polnareff moved up close to one and it exhaled through its nose. The French man turned around. His eyes were watering and he held his nose shut with one hand, "I-It stinks!" He started spraying some sort air freshener, it smelled faintly of lemons. "Hey, Mr. Joestar. How do you get on it? It's like three meters tall."

"Well, you see, with camels..." He walked over to a camel and grabbed a hold of the reins, "You make them sit first and then get on." He started tugging down only for the animal to remain upright. He then started using both hands and shifted his entire body weight onto the animal, "You make them sit first and then get on... You make them sit, then get on!" He was pretty much shouting at the animal now. He wrapped an arm around the camels neck and started to hang from it, "J-Just one moment. It's gonna sit down right now." He grabbed onto the saddle. "Hey! Sit! Sit down! Damn it, you stubborn animal!"

Polnareff pointed at Joseph, "You've ridden one of these before, right?"

Joseph was practically hugging the camel, "I've seen that really long movie, Lawrence of Arabia, three times! I know very well how to ride a camel! Though, two of those times, I slept through half of it..."

Polnareff stared at Joseph in disbelief, "M-Movie?! What? You've never actually ridden one?"

You sighed, shaking your head, "I should've known..."

The camel shook its head as well, getting slobber all over Joseph's face. He smiled, trying to play it off, "It's great sunscreen! Didn't you know that?" He laughed.

Caesar threw a rag at Joseph's face so he could clean himself, "Joseph... just no. Why not let (Y/N) try? She's always seemed to have a way with animals."

Joseph grumbled under his breath, walking away from the camel while scrubbing his face with the rag, "Fine, whatever."

You scratched your head, "Well, I've never had a ride on a camel before, either. I guess it doesn't hurt to try, though." You approached the animal, walking slowly to not alarm it. Your voice was reassuring and calm as you kept a firm grip on the reins, "Hey, do you mind si-" You didn't even finish your sentence and the camel sat down. Not to mention, the other camels Joseph had traded for followed suit.

"What?!" Exclaimed your companions.

You turned around to face them, "Well, um, I guess it's okay to get on now." You swung one leg over and settled on the camel's hump as it stood up. There was a strange sense of satisfaction from being able to look down on all of your companions.

Caesar put a hand over his heart and gave a mock bow, "Your majesty, Queen of the camels, may I have the honor of riding on one of your loyal steeds?"

You laughed haughtily, playing along, "Why of course, Sir Zeppeli. Be wary though, as it is the camel that chooses its rider and not the other way around."

The rest of your companions exchanged glances except Joseph, who was now getting onto a camel. He laughed, "I can do it too! See!" He moved the reins a bit and the camel started to walk towards yours. You gave his animal a subtle nod and it began to sprint around the area in circles, "Hey, wait! T-Too fast! L-Listen to me... Not that way, I said!" He fell off the camel and rolled across the ground.

You stifled you're laughter as you had your camel walk over to the Joestar, "Are you alright, Joseph?"

He sat at up and angrily adjusted his hat, "I'm fine." He stood up and dusted himself off. His eyes lit up, "Wait a second," He pulled a colorful, large square of fabric out of his pack, "I got this for you. It's a shemagh. This will help protect you from dust and the sun."

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