They No Longer Slumber

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Mark led the rest of you to a circular shaped stone with a bearded man's face carved on it. He stuck his hand into the mouth and rotated the door out of the way.

Speedwagon was impressed, "The famous Bocca Della Veritá...So this is the entrance to the Pillar Men!"

The five of you entered the hole in the brick wall. Mark stood in front and held a flashlight even though the walkway was already lit up. You noticed several images along the stone walls, even recognizing some of them from the books you studied on the way to Rome.

"I feel as though we might have walked into something we shouldn't have." Your voice broke through the uncomfortable silence. Your shadows danced along the walls as you continued walking.

"Yes, there is something very eerie about this place." Commented Speedwagon. "Caesar, have you tried Hamon on the sleeping Pillar Men?"

Caesar responded, "Hamon only works on the living. It has no effect on stone. It won't work unless they are awake."

You let out a huff, "Jeez, that's pretty inconvenient."

"Hey, where are the guards that are supposed to be here?!" Questioned Joseph, "No one's here! It's too quiet!"

You saw the red liquid splattered across the area, "I think we may be too late..."

Joseph looked at you quizzically and was going to step forward to investigate but you stopped him. You crouched on the floor, touching the flattened thing that felt almost like skin. "Mark, can you shine your light over here?"

He complied and you immediately dropped the flattened man onto the floor before wiping the remnants on your dress. The others screamed while you stared at the other flattened people throughout the room. You were definitely too late.

"They're...human skins!" Shouted Mark, freaking out.

"Yeah, I think you're right on the money with that guess. It must be the work of the Pillar Men. It seems as though they covered the UV lights with blood and mushed body parts. Easier than a light switch? Probably not, but the result is pretty much the same."

Mark looked at you, horrified. He was wondering how you could possibly try to make light of a situation such as this. He then screamed and dropped his flashlight while running away.

Joseph outstretched his arm towards the soldier, "Hey, stay away from there! Something is out there!"

Through the reddish fog you could make out the shadows of some rather tall people. The smoke cleared and Mark screamed at the sight of three towering forms.

"Wh-What is that?!" Asked Joseph.

Speedwagon looked at them with fright, "This can't be! Th-They're...!"

"Awake!" Caesar finished the sentence.

"It's just like I said." You looked up at the ceiling, "Why does no one ever listen to me?"

One of the Pillar Men began to walk towards Mark. Caesar shouted while reaching towards his friend, "Get out of there, Mark!"

You quickly rushed towards Mark and held him so your back was to the Pillar Man and he'd bump into you instead. It could have been terrible for Mark if he had remained in that spot, likely most of his body would've been absorbed.

The Pillar Men continued forward as if nothing happened. Caesar, Joseph, and Speedwagon rushed towards you and Mark.

Caesar spoke first, "Oh my! (Y/N) are you alright? I thought Pillar Men could eat people just through contact. How are you alive?"

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