Baby Don't Cry

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It took a while, but you eventually arrived at a small town. You paid for the last two rooms available and made your way up to the room you, Polnareff, and Kakyoin would be sharing. It was rather barren, but there were three beds and to Polnareff's joy, a rather clean bathroom.

Polnareff flung his bag onto the one on the far left, "That one's mine. I'm going to be taking a shower." He winked at you, "Care to join me?" You shook your head and he laughed while walking into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. A few seconds passed before you heard the sound of running water.

Kakyoin settled in on the far right, pulling out some striped pajamas. He looked at the bathroom door, "Oh, I was going to change, but I guess I'll wait." You took a seat on the middle bed, and pulled out your gameboy. Kakyoin looked over at you, a tad nervous, "Actually, I'll just change now. Don't look, okay?" You gave a small nod, not really registering what he had said until you looked up to see him only wearing his boxers with his back facing you. You quickly shifted your attention back to your game, pretending you saw nothing. You felt the weight on the bed shift as Kakyoin sat next to you before resting his head on your shoulder, He was wearing his pajamas now, "Oh, you're playing Breakout?"

"Actually, this called Alleyway, but it's pretty much the same thing." You shifted over a bit to give him a better view of the screen.

"Oh, I see."

The door to the bathroom opened a few minutes later, "Whew, what a nice shower. That certainty felt good after being out in the desert for forever." You looked up to see Polnareff. His silver hair was actually down for once and he gently brushed it aside. What was more alarming, though, was the fact the only thing he was wearing was a towel around his waist.

Kakyoin covered your eyes, "What are you doing?! Put some clothes on, Polnareff!" You could hear the French man laugh and then walk over to his bed and grab something. You could hear what was probably the towel falling onto the floor. There was a bit of shuffling around before you felt a new weight on the bed and the hand covering your eyes was removed.

Polnareff snuggled up against you, his soggy hair tickling your skin a bit, "Well, what do you think? It's kind of weird when it's down, right?" He had put on a pair of sweatpants, but he was still shirtless.

You ran your fingers through his hair. It was surprisingly soft, "I think it looks fine, Jean. But it is a bit weird since you're hair is normally up. I wouldn't be upset if you kept it this way, though."

He gave a small humming sound, "Well, are you going to take a shower?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, I am." You turned off your game boy and got off the bed, taking your bag into the bathroom with you so you wouldn't have to come out to get changed later. A quick shower later, you walked out now wearing a comfy pair of (f/c) pajamas. There was a faint snoring sound coming from Polnareff who seemed to have fallen asleep on your bed. Kakyoin had retreated to his own bed and was also fast asleep while holding your gameboy. The screen was glowing so he must have turned it on to play for himself.

You gently took the device away from him and set it aside. You then turned off the lights and settled in the bed Polnareff had chosen. You didn't care enough to wake him up and get him to move. Although, you weren't able to get much sleep as the cries and screams of a baby filled the night. You tried to fold a pillow around your head but it didn't help all that much. Kars took form near you. He didn't say anything and just laid down on the bed next to you before covering your ears, successfully blocking out the majority of the sounds. You managed to fall asleep.

You were woken up by someone poking your face, you opened your eyes to see Kars staring down at you. You rubbed your eyes, just to be sure you were seeing things right, "What did you wake me up for?"

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