The Liar

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When the three of you got home, you immediately went to where father was. He was still in bed, but he was awake. He began coughing and you rushed to his side.

"Don't worry, I'm alright. It's just a cough, I'm sure I'll get better soon."

"Maybe you should go to a hospital?"

Dio rejected the idea, "He shouldn't go to a hospital. They care nothing about their patients and only want their money."

"Well, I wasn't going to go to a hospital anyways. I'm getting better just fine here. Great job on your game, by the way."

"What! We wanted be the first ones to tell you! Who told you?"

"Just an old school friend of mine."

The three of you left father to go do your own things. You went to the library, Jonathan went to his desk that had the mask, and Dio was talking with one of the butlers.

The library was quite and you huddled up in a corner to read one of the books. A few chapters later, Jonathan entered the library, seemingly looking for something. You placed a bookmark in between the pages you were at and closed the book. You walked over to the ladder.

"Need any help?"

"No, I'm sure I'll be fine."

Then he grabbed for a book only to causing something to fall. You stepped back a bit so it wouldn't hit you, even though you could've just caught it. Jonathan hopped down the ladder and you both noticed a strange letter. You picked it hesitantly and then skimmed through the contents. You leaned against a book shelf and shook your head a bit before handing it to Jonathan who read it as well.

"But this could mean..."

"Dio's planned this from the start. It makes things make sense in an odd sort of way. While in town he told a friend of mine he was going to get medicine for his grandfather. It's likely that's when he went to get more poison or whatever weird drugs he's given our father and his own."

"So he's been planing to do this since he moved here?"

"Maybe even a bit before then. I really can't say."

"I believe he's also been the one delivering father's medicine. That would allow him to easily switch it out for something dangerous. It makes sense why he wouldn't want father to go to a hospital."

"We have to stop him, now is about the time father gets his medicine."

The two of you rushed out of the library to meet Dio at the top of the stairs.

"What do you think your doing with that medicine, Dio?"

Dio glared slightly at Jonathan, "Giving it to father of course."

You walked out from behind Jonathan, holding the letter, "How odd that your father suffered the same symptoms as our own before his death."

Dio set the platter onto the nearby table. "What exactly are you saying."

Jonathan reached for the paper that supposedly kept the medicine. "I'd like to have this checked to see if this really is the medicine and not some sort of poison."

Dio grabbed Jonathan by the wrist and looked him straight in the eye, "To doubt this medicine is to doubt our friendship."

Jonathan adverted his gaze from Dio's. He didn't really have much evidence. Was it worth it losing his friendship?He looked at the door to his father's room and then at you.

"If you put the medicine back I'll forgive your judgements."

"I will drop my accusations and forget about this if you swear on Dario's name. If you swear on Dario's honor as a gentleman."

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