To Chase and Fall

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Kars turned back to look at the sliced up Soldier. "And what was Santana? He was but an immature child! A pathetic guard dog! He was nothing compared to us!" He lifted up the top half of Stroheim, "Now I shall have you hand over the Red Stone."

"K-Kars!" Whisper shouted Joseph from inside, apparently still processing everything going on around him. The Pillar Man ignored the Joestar as he walked closer to you while patting down Stroheim. The brunette glanced at you and then nervously ruffled his hands through his hair, "Damn it, (Y/N)! Why do you always have to become so chummy with the Pillar Men?!"

Kars stopped moving at Joseph's words, intrigued enough to want to hear more, but the Joestar stayed silent so he continued walking. The brunette began moving at the same pace although remaining several feet away, as he followed after the Pillar Man.

"The Red Stone must be in this pocket." Spoke the Pillar Man. He ripped the pocket off and let out a gasp of awe at the sight, "The Red Stone of Aja!" He lifted it up by the silver links and had an excited grin on his face as he showed it off to you, "I have waited four- No, five thousand years for this! And now it is before me! It was destined to fall in my hands."

He began stepping even closer to you but stopped at the sound of Joseph yelling his name. He glared at the brunette and brought out his forearm blade, "Soon enough! Your death approaches."

"Kars, you fool..." You were tad surprised to hear the proud German soldier speak. "Don't think you've beaten me, Stroheim, just yet..." He looked up at Kars and the covering over his eye moved with a mechanical whir. His eye opened up. "German technology is the world's greatest!"

You trudged through the snow to get closer to the soldier, "Stroheim, what are you doing?!"

Joseph was on the same train of thought, "You idiot! Still boasting at death's door?!"

Something stuck out of his robotic eye, "Activate Ultra Violet Ray Blast!" A purple beam of energy shot at Kars' hand, making him drop the Stone.

"H-Hey it's sliding down the slope!"

As the red gem skidded past you, you made a quick dive for the stone. You managed to get a hold of it, but began rolling down the slope yourself.

"(Y/N) and the Red Stone are sliding toward the cliff!"

You could hear Kars running behind you. Snow flew into your face as you rushed towards the edge. You were pretty sure Joseph was chasing after the Stone as well. You could make out their conversation from behind you.

Kars was predicting the Joestar's course of action, "JoJo, you're thinking of letting me grab her, and then, when I reach for her, taking the opportunity to kick me, aren't you? You're thinking you can attack me with Hamon, even if she falls off the cliff, aren't you? But will your plan work, JoJo?"

"Exactly right, my friend!" The sound of Kars footsteps stopped as he kept towards you. "Here's the kick you ordered!"

Kars leaped forward, dodging the blow. You somersaulted over the edge of the cliff with the Stone clenched tightly in one hand. You purposely shoved your arm against the rock face. This made several painful gashes along the arm, but did draw blood. Your blood dug into the rock and the sudden stop of momentum caused the rest of your body to slam into the cliff.

Kars hadn't expected you to stop so suddenly, but he managed to grab onto your foot. Joseph hadn't gone over the edge, and was instead watching you struggle to get the Pillar Man off alongside Caesar, Lisa, Messina, and Stroheim.

"The Stone is mine, no matter what!" Announced Kars as you wriggled your leg with vigor. You managed to slip your foot out of your boot. This caused the footwear to fall as well as the dagger hidden in it. The Pillar Man simply let go of it and dug and arm blade into your leg instead.

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