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You walked into the kitchen to poor yourself a glass of water and you were shocked to see a sort of humanoid spider standing near the counter. Your eyes widened, "W-What? Who are you? Why are you in my house?" You began to reach for one of the knives on the counter.

"So you can see it now?" The voice was fairly high pitched.

"What do you mean now?" You asked the figure.

"I've been following you for the past couple of years, but you haven't seen my stand until now. I'm on the counter near your hand." You glanced down at your hand to see a small spider. "Ah, yes. Hello there (Y/N). I've tried to communicate with you before, but I can only really speak though my stand so you couldn't hear me, but now you can!"

You watched in disbelief, "But how can I see your stand? I'm not a stand user."

"Well you are now. Spider Dance can see the threads of fate and whatnot. It shows me that you have a stand that has awakened from someone else acquiring one. You should try to bring it out."

Your mouth fell open slightly, "Bring it out? How do I even do that?"

Spider Dance shrugged, "Dunno. I've always been able to so I'm not sure how to get someone else's to work. I can try to twist your threads a bit, similar to what I did with Caesar."


The spider tapped its chin with one of its many limbs, "Yes, well, he was supposed to die, ya know. But since you didn't kill me when I bit you I thought I'd lengthen his lifespan a little bit, add a bit more thread to the end of that specific string. And well, what I added on was only enough for a few hours, at the most. So the reason he lived so long..." the spider shrugged, "Was just luck, I guess."

You blinked rapidly in disbelief. "Y-You can do that?"

"Yup. And drawing someone's stand out for them isn't much different." The stand moved closer to you. It's hands and spider appendages began to dance around and pull on silver, almost translucent, strings.

Suddenly, a new figure was in the room floating right behind you. They had light blue skin with a darker shade around the joints. Their outfit was odd, half pink while the other purple with a yellow zipper down the middle. Around their waist was a green checkered scarf. They seemed to have a dark covering with rather robotic looking eyes. Their headband of sorts had a more human like eye resting above it. It had short reddish hair flowing upwards.

"This is my stand? Do I name it? What can it do?" You asked the spider.

"Yes, that's your stand. It's name is, Who Wants To Live Forever. It's strength isn't really that special, probably only a bit stronger than you when it looks like this."

"Looks like this?"

"Open the zipper on it's outfit." Ordered the spider.

You hesitantly reached for the yellow zipper and pulled down. It revealed a diamond shaped hole in their torso. While you stared into the dark abyss, your stand grabbed your hand and began to take Wamuu's lip ring off your finger. You grabbed onto the ring trying to take it out of the stand's hand.

The spider spoke up, "Just let it take it. This is how its ability activates. After a person dies, if they gave you something prior to their death, that item can generally be used."

You slowly let go and your stand threw the ring into the hole. Slowly the appearance of the stand shifted until it became someone you recognized, Wamuu.

Wamuu looked around, confused. His eyes lit up when they fell on you. "(Y/N), why are you here? Had I not just died? Oh, no! Have you died too? Is this the afterlife?" He put his hands on your shoulders, shaking you slightly in his worry.

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