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In terms of your Stand, Dio was right. The mere scrap of what was once a hat did nothing to your Stand. If only there was someone capable of fixing it. Since you no longer had Kars to help you fly between buildings, you had to start thinking of other means. Lucky for you, it didn't take long as you heard Jotaro calling out to you from the street below with a motorcycle near him.

"(Y/N), need a lift?" He brought out Star Platinum and motioned for you to jump. Caesar and Polnareff waved up at you,

You dragged over the limp body of Kakyoin into their view, "Um, do any of you know a safe spot where we could keep Noriaki until the fight is over?"

Caesar let out a gasp and grit his teeth, "Don't tell me... He's gone, too?"

You shook your head, "No, he's just passed out and he might have a concussion. He's figured out Dio's limit, though. He can stop time for around five seconds." WWTLF carefully lowered Kakyoin until he could be passed off safely to Nu. With a little hop off the building you were caught by the ridiculously strong arms of Star Platinum.

Jotaro mumbled something to himself, seemingly deep in thought, "Five seconds... That's not that long at all. Perhaps if I made my Stand move even faster, he too could exceed the speed of time itself..."

Polnareff gave Kakyoin a sorrowful look and took him from the grip of Caesar's Stand, "I'll find a place for him and meet up with the rest of you as soon as possible."

"Okay, Jean Pierre Polnareff." Spoke Caesar as Nu shifted to look like a normal sized, spherical bubble. "I'll relay to you the directions that we're taking so you don't get lost on the way back."

The French man gave a thumbs up and ran off as you were placed on the motorcycle behind Jotaro by his Stand. Your wrapped your arms around him from behind in preparation for what would likely be a pretty crazy ride. You were a bit surprised when Caesar got on behind you as you had become effectively sandwiched between the two. Additionally, you were fairly sure the vehicle wasn't meant to sustain three people.

"JoJo, do you know how to ride a motorcycle?" Your question was barely audible as Jotaro flipped the ignition switch.

"Yare Yare. We made it over here just fine, didn't we?" He twisted the handlebar grip and sped along the streets of the city. If not for the impending doom of the world being imminent, you would have found the scenery quite beautiful.

Jotaro made a rather sharp turn and quickly slammed down the break lever upon seeing Joseph lying flat on the pavement in front of the outdoor seating area of some sort of fast food place. Iggy was tugging on the old man's clothes, trying to get him to stand up. You all ditched the motorcycle as you started to rush over to them. He seemed a bit wounded and the people at the restaurant were just laughing at him as he managed to pry himself off the ground.

"Old man!" Shouted Jotaro as he slowed down upon coming towards a cross walk.

Joseph held his hand out in front of him, "All of you, stay back! Quick! Take him and don't come near me!" Iggy let out a shocked yelp as he was picked up by the skin on the back of his neck and tossed towards you.

Your eyes widened as Dio descended to the ground behind him, but you still managed to catch the dog. A cat minding its own business hissed in terror upon noticing the vampire's presence. "The World!"

A knife had suddenly embedded itself in Joseph's throat, blood spraying out as he collapsed back onto the ground. In front of him now stood Dio in all of his vampiric glory.


"Old man!"

Shouted the three of you in sync. Iggy just let out a somewhat terrified bark.

Joseph continued reaching towards all of you, still managing to gargle out sentences despite the blade lodged in his throat, "S-Stay back! R-Run... Don't go near him... K-Keep your... d-distance."

You started towards him, only for two people to pull you back, "Let go of me!" You shouted, "I can save him!"

Caesar shook his head, "Not with Dio standing there. I'm sure you know that just as well as I do." Hermit purple emerged from Joseph's hand, glowing from the Hamon coursing through it, almost asking for Caesar to take what was left. It eventually crumpled up as white steam seemed to evaporate off his body.

Dio spread his arms out, "Don't be like that, Zeppeli. I'm fine with having her run straight into my arms. Who else will comfort her when this is over?" He glanced around the city, "And where is Polnareff? Is he hiding somewhere?" He laughed while shrugging, "Well, it doesn't matter." He pointed at the three of you, "Hmm... I wonder who I should kill next. The last Hamon user or the last of the Joestar bloodline... Why not both, I suppose."

Jotaro let go of you and clenched his fist while walking towards the vampire, "You bastard. Dio!"

Caesar's eyes widened, "Jotaro, no. Wait!"

Dio smirked, "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? Even though your Grandfather died telling you to keep your distance and you stopped (Y/N) from enacting what you're doing now? My, your such a hypocrite, Jotaro."

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like." Dio began to move towards the high school student as well. Iggy tensed up and started growling louder with each step the vampire moved.

"Ora!" Cried out Star Platinum the moment Jotaro was close enough. Before it could land a hit, it's leg was kicked by The World. The force resulted in an indentation on the ground as well as the tearing of Jotaro's pants.

Dio folded his arms cockily, "Too slow, too slow! The World is the ultimate Stand. Even without its power to stop time, his speed and power far exceed that of your Star Platinum." He waved a finger disapprovingly.

"So it's the same type of Stand as Star Platinum." Grumbled Jotaro. "Not much range, but immense power and precise movements." You and Caesar shared a glance, wondering if it could possibly lead to more similarities. Also remembering what the high schooler was mumbling about earlier. In any case, it seemed to be your only semblance of hope.

"I wanted to try a little test to find out just how much more powerful The World was, compared to your Stand. Though it appears a test was hardly necessary." Mocked Dio.

"Test? Is that what you call just patting me, and not even enough to hurt?" Taunted the Kujo. "Well, I guess you ripped my twenty thousand yen pants, though."

Dio's smirk faded for a moment, "Why are you Joestar's so stubborn about admitting defeat?" He chuckled, "Well, I suppose I shall rise to your silly provocation, and test you a bit more." He brought out The World again and immediately went in for a flurry of punches, keeping Star Platinum on the defensive for now.

Jotaro's Stand kicked at a street sign, breaking it, and blocked another of The World's fists with his forearm. It became Star Platinum's turn to be on the offensive as he threw punch after punch at The World's head only for it dodge with relative ease. The small cut that formed on Dio's cheek was the only sign anything had happened.

Masked by the sound of the 'Oras' Caesar whispered to you, "Polnareff's aware of the situation and he's already found an appropriate position for an attack. Although, I'm not all that sure if we'll even be given the opportunity to do so." You hummed in agreement as his hold on you loosened.

Next thing you knew, the Stands fists were colliding with each other. Dio's fingers grazed over the small cut on his cheek as it healed, "Shall we compare the speed of our attack rushes?" Jotaro didn't respond, but the attacks continued anyways. All of it too fast for any of you to really comprehend every move. They leaped off the ground with their Stands, the force of it all almost pushing everyone in the vicinity away. At some point the World landed another hit, making blood splurt out of Jotaro's mouth.

"So my The World's power and precision are both superior!" Announced Dio. "I've seen enough. I'm satisfied. I will end you now! I have decided that I will show no mercy when fighting someone of the Joestar bloodline. I will kill them instantly. The way to end you is with the World's true power!" Jotaro let out a war cry of sorts as Star Platinum kept punching. "The World! Stop Time!"

Once again, the entirety of the Earth's motion was brought to a standstill. A point between time where Dio believed only he could reign supreme.

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