Hamon and Cheese Sandwich

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After the events of yesterday, you and Speedwagon got Jonathan to a hospital and they looked at all of you to check if you had sustained any serious wounds. Speedwagon had the injured arm but it would likely be better before long, Jonathan's body was in need of some serious healing, and you had a pretty nasty burn on your left leg. It wasn't anything serious, but the doctors recommended you stay the night after they treat it. You didn't care to object. You weren't sure where you would go anyways. Your house had burned down again, after all.

You woke up in that very hospital. You sat up in the bed and looked to your left where there was a window. It was still dark out and the moon was shining brightly in the night sky. In the reflection of the window you noticed a person. Glancing to the right you saw Speedwagon sitting in a chair next to your bed. His arms were folded and his eyes were closed. You supposed he must have stayed with you all night.

You slowly moved the covers of your bed and stepped onto the wooden floors. You winced slightly as your left leg moved. You slowly and quietly lifted the blanket to put it around your blonde friend. When your hands got closer to him his hand grabbed your wrist, startling you. He opened his eyes groggily seeing that it was you who had gotten close to him. He closed his eyes as though he was just going to go back to sleep, but then they shot wide open and he stood up from the chair. He looked worried and he had his hand on your shoulder.

"What are you doing out of bed?!"

You scratched your neck sheepishly. "Well, I woke up and I saw you looked cold so I was going to put this blanket around you."

Speedwagon noticed you were indeed holding a blanket. His body visibly relaxed and he moved you slightly so that you were sitting on the edge of the bed. He got down on his knees and lifted up your left leg examining the bandages.

"Your leg is injured so you shouldn't be moving around so much."

You scratched your cheek while avoiding eye contact with him, "Umm... Speedwagon? Could you put my leg down?"

He looked up at your face and then at what he was doing. He immediately let go, stood up, and backed a few paces away from you. He was obviously flustered from the slightly risqué position. He coughed to clear his throat.

"Sorry 'bout that."

"It's fine. Also, I'm sure walking on my leg will be alright. It's not broken or anything, just a bit toasted. How's your arm, by the way?"

He moved it around in the sling, "It's getting better. And...uh...thanks for saving me in the mansion."

"You're welcome, I suppose, but I'm sure you would've done the same."

"That's the thing, though. I couldn't even move when that zombie was going to attack me. And what was with the little yellow sparks that came from your body when you cut through the creature?"

"You could see them too? I had assumed I had just imagined it or something."

He nodded, "Yeah, I could see it, but I guess if you don't even know what it was you wouldn't know why it was there."

You looked down at your hand that had held the dagger. "Yeah, I really don't know." You looked back up at Speedwagon. "How's Jonathan?"

Speedwagon pulled his fingers through his blonde locks. "He's been injured pretty badly. Basically his whole body has been burnt and there were quite a few broken bones. They haven't let me see him, I guess I haven't really tried to see him, though. I've been with you the whole time."

"Well I appreciate it, Speedwagon." You stood back up and went over to Speedwagon, "Let's go check on him."

Speedwagon led you through the dark hallways. He stopped at a partially opened door that had light coming from it.

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