The sun was setting as you walked along the dirt street of Wind Knights Lot. Nearby was a small body of water and several people were still out in their fields. Everything seemed rather calm when basking under the glow of the sun.
"Everyone is hard at work. Things still appear peaceful. But I know Dio is around here somewhere."
"I know what you mean, Jonathan. Even though everything seems fine, it's as though something sinister is lurking underneath." You then heard Speedwagon sort of groan in pain causing you and Jonathan's conversation to stop and face the blonde man. "Speedwagon, are you okay?"
"What happened?"
Zeppeli wagged his pinky finger around as he responded, "Um, well, Speedwagon has been begging me for a while. So I thought I'd help him create just a little Hamon and my finger kind of slipped. I'm terribly sorry, Speedwagon."
"" Speedwagon was obviously not happy with Zeppeli. You went over to him to help him up. You reached for the bag that Speedwagon had, only for a kid to fly by, grab it, and go into the water. Jonathan and Zeppeli just watched the kid while talking.
"It's a kid, sir."
"Rather spry for such a young cutpurse, eh?"
"Why are you just standing there?" Asked Speedwagon, "All of our money is in that bag! That little devil!"
"A grab and dash in a single move."
"Let's see..." Zeppeli walked to the edge of the water. "I think he can serve us as a guide." Zeppeli began hopping along the surface of the water.
"H-He's not sinking!"
JoJo then followed after him, but his legs sunk slightly into the water.
"JoJo if you're up to your knees, you need to build up more Hamon energy!"
You focused your Hamon energy and stepped onto the water. You stayed along the surface without sinking. You then crouched down and motioned for Speedwagon to get on your back. "C'mon Speedwagon, I'll give you a piggyback ride. Don't want your shoes to get soggy."
"I don't mind if my clothes get wet, thanks for the thought, though."
"Well okay."
So you hopped along the water next to Speedwagon until you made it to the other side. You saw Jonathan catch the little boy in his arms.
"Nice catch."
The boy opened his eyes and looked around, "H-Huh? What's going on? Who are you?"
"Something's wrong with the boy. Did I use too much Hamon?"
"I don't think so, Jonathan. I believe Dio might have done something to him to lure us here." You responded.
"You're right, (Y/N). Look around."
"A graveyard?!" Exclaimed Speedwagon as hands grabbed your legs.
"Looks like we were the one's nicely caught in this trap. The boy was under some sort of hypnosis."
"(Y/N), Jonathan, above you!" Shouted your hatless friend while pointing at the top of a rock formation. You shifted your gaze to where he was pointing to see the one and only Dio.
Dio smirked as he spoke, "The sun is gone. Time for your lives to go with it!" Dio glanced to your form and his smirk faded a little. So you had joined in on JoJo's little adventure after all.
Jonathan glared at the vampire, "Dio!"
You didn't say anything, but you did pull out your dagger as zombies began crawling out of the ground.

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader