A Mask

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Things had been going rather well for the few weeks you had been living with the Joestars. You said a final goodbye to your mother at the funeral. The only people who attended were Dio, Jonathan, and Mr. Joestar, though you could've sworn you saw Speedwagon peeping from behind a tree.

Apparently the fire that had burned your house down was no accident. It made you wonder who in their right mind would do such a thing. Had your mother made enemies of someone? Had you? You really weren't sure, but you also weren't sure what you could possibly do to find the culprit. You could really only hope that they wouldn't do it again. The Joestars had been so nice to you, you'd likely lose your mind if they died as well.

Currently, Dio was at the nearby town for reasons unknown to you and Mr. Joestar was on some sort of business trip for a few days. So besides the servants, you and Jonathan were the only ones there. You were finishing the work assigned by your tutor and Jonathan was in the chair next to you, rocking it back and forth.

"Jonathan, can you please do that a bit quieter? I'm trying to concentrate here."

He immediately stopped. "Of course. You should've told me earlier that it was bothering you. You know that I'd never want to annoy you."

You knew that, but you didn't want to offend the boy in anyway so you had just waited until you couldn't handle it anymore. "I know. I know. You're probably bored just watching me anyways. You can go do something else while I finish up here."

"It's fine. I enjoy your company. Nothing would make me bored of that. Unless you want me to leave?"

You sighed, "No, I don't."

Jonathan stood up and walked behind your chair, leaning on your shoulder.

"Do you need any help?"

You pointed at one of the questions and gestured to the pile of books next to you.

"I can't seem to find an answer to this one. I'm not even sure if it's in any of these books."

"That one? Oh, sorry. The book with answer is in my room. I forgot to put it back after I read it. I'll just write the answer for you."

He gently took the pen from your hand and wrote the answer neatly on your paper.

"You know they'll probably be able to tell it wasn't me who wrote that."

He jerked his head up, realizing you were probably right. "Sorry, I should've just told you."

"It's fine. I'll just say I was practicing writing with my other hand or something."

"If they don't believe you I'll take the blame, okay."

"Really, Don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Okay if you say so." He paused for a moment, thinking, "If you're done now, can I show you something?"

You closed the books you'd been writing and searching through. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"Uh.. you'll see. It's kind of weird to explain."


He led you to a desk. He took a key out of his pocket and opened the lowest drawer on the left. Inside was a grey humanoid looking stone mask with fangs.

"What is it?"

"Well, It belonged to my mother and it helps remind me of her. I never really knew her but I feel a bit of a connection through this."

You could get what he was saying, it reminded you of how you felt every time you passed the painting your mother had made for Mr. Joestar. At least you knew your mother, though. However you weren't sure if that'd make accepting her death easier or harder.

Jonathan continued talking, "This mask also reacts to human blood."

"Wait, what?!" He pulled a small knife out and pricked his finger, allowing the blood to drip onto the mask. Curved spikes popped out of the mask, startling you. "W-what is it for?"

"I'm not entirely sure. My mother had it as a souvenir of sorts, but I believe it may be some sort of execution method where these spikes enter the brain."

"Maybe it has something to do with vampirism. It activates with blood and the mask has fangs. I'm sure it wouldn't actually turn someone into a blood sucking beast, but maybe people back then thought it would."

Jonathan nodded along at your explanation. "I see what you mean. That makes quite a bit of sense. I'm sure you're probably right. Also, (Y/N)."


"I'm not sure if I should say this, but It's weird to me that Dio was the one with you on the day of the fire. He hadn't even requested to accompany you home since the first day you visited. Maybe I'm just biased because of the hell he put me through three years ago, but I'd say it's a possibility that he hired someone to burn your house down."

"I thought you believed Dio had changed."

He continued speaking as he put the knife and mask away, "It's more like I want to believe he has changed. He no longer acts like he did then, but some part of me can't find any peace in trusting him. I'm sure he's changed and I'm just being paranoid but-"

"You don't need to explain yourself, Jonathan. I'll admit, I've felt more friendly towards Dio since the fire, but thanks to you I now realize how suspicious the timing of it all was. If we are cautionary, we won't be surprised if Dio pulls the rug from under us. If he's really changed, then we can just laugh it off when when we're older."

"Okay, that sounds like a solid plan. Thanks for hearing me out, (Y/N)."

He pulled you into a tight embrace. You patted his back gently in response. He sighed into your shoulder.

"I'm really luckily to have met you, you know?"

"If you say so, Jonathan, if you say so."

Dio returned from town and peaked into the room to see Jonathan hugging you. Seeing you with Jonathan all the time angered him immensely, but he needed to keep the friendly act up if he wanted to gain the trust of both of you. Jonathan looked so happy at that moment and he just wanted to wipe the smile off his face.

He walked quietly into the room and wrapped his arms around you from behind, much like he did while your house burned down in front of you. The sudden second hugger startled you but you calmed down a bit when you realized it was Dio.

"Dio, what are you doing?"

"Hmm? I felt left out so I decided to join in."

"Eh, Dio? When did you get back home?" asked Jonathan who slowly let go of you while talking, but Dio continued with his awkward embrace.

"Just a few seconds ago."

"Hey Dio, can you let go of me?"

"Why? Can't I show affection to my favorite woman?"

Both your eyes and Jonathan's widened. Never had you expected this confession of sorts from Dio. He hardly seemed like the type of person to do something like that. Unless, of course, it benefitted him in some way.

Jonathan spoke first, "What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what I said. I like her in a romantic way. You aren't dating her, right?"

"Well no, but-"

"Then It's fine if I start dating her right?"

"Umm no, it's not. Look, Dio, I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment."

Your answer upset Dio. Even though his confession was hardly real, it angered him that you declined it. The fact you thought you could deny him made his blood boil and he considers slapping you then and there. He stopped hugging you and stepped a few feet back.

"I'll respect your answer, then. Though may I ask, do you like Jonathan?"

"Umm well..."

"There's no reason for her to answer you, Dio."

Dio chuckled, "Well, I suppose you're right, JoJo. I'll get out of your hair now."

Dio then left the room. That left you and Jonathan wondering what the heck happened with the blonde male. You looked at each other, shrugged, and then went on with your day.

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