The Blonde One is Planning Something

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It was now the weekend. Everyday in between Jonathan had showed up at your doorstep at one point or another. Always with an excited grin and eager to spend time with you. He was always nice, so the company was not unappreciated. However, most alone time you used to have had been replaced with spending time with the blue haired boy. Sometimes you regretted starting that conversation with him, but those times were rare. You found that seeing him happy made you a bit happier and didn't bother to stop him from spending so much time with you.

He stood at your front door now, offering his hand to you. Behind him was a carriage with two horses ready to move it. He looked rather dashing and you almost blushed as you accepted his outstretched hand. He led you to the carriage and opened the door for you like the gentleman he was. He quickly ran around to the other side and hopped in as well.

A few minutes later the carriage stopped in front of a gorgeous estate. You had never visited Jonathan's house before and you suddenly felt under dressed despite wearing one of your nicer dresses. While in your thoughts Jonathan had opened the door for you. Mentally throwing the thoughts from your mind you smiled at him and stepped carefully out of the carriage. He linked his arm with yours while walking to his front door. The size of the house was imposing and you were a bit scared of what his father might be like.

Opened the door was a man you could immediately tell was his father. You sighed in relief as he smiled at you. His eyes were kind and you could tell this man was not a bad man. Strict, perhaps, but not mean.

"Ah, you must be my sons friend! (Y/N), right?" You nodded. "That's good to hear. From the way he talks about you, I can tell he trusts you a lot. Please feel free to view my home as your own."

"Oh, thank you Mr. Joestar. I appreciate it. I see where your son gets his kindness from."

He laughed and stepped out of the doorway to allow you and Jonathan inside. He then led you to a large table. Jonathan quickly pulled a seat out for you to sit in. Before sitting to the right of you. Mr. Joestar sat at one of the table's ends. He appeared happy that his son had brought someone over. Everything seemed rather nice and you were enjoying the small chatter between Jonathan and his father.

Then a blonde boy walked into to the room, taking a seat across from Jonathan. You realized that this must be the boy that had made Jonathan's life miserable. Dio you believed was his name. You really didn't know much about the boy and since Jonathan clearly didn't like talking about him you never bothered to ask for any more information. His yellow, maybe red eyes, glanced your way. Either way, his eye color was peculiar. He raised his eyebrows as if he had just understood something and then turned his gaze to the blue haired boy sitting across from him with a slight smirk resting upon his face. Your eyes twitched slightly at his odd behavior. Despite having only been in the same room as him for a couple of seconds, his presence irked you.

"So, who is the lovely lady?" Dio asked.

"Ah, right. Dio, meet Jonathan's friend (Y/N). (Y/N) meet my other son Dio." Said Mr. Joestar. He probably hoped that the three of you could become friends. You nodded your head slightly to show that you had heard what he said.

Dio's eyes looked into your own, searching for something. "Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, (Y/N)."

Hardening your gaze you responded, "Likewise."

Apparently satisfied he turned his gaze to Jonathan and smiled mischievously. Wondering why staring at the blue haired boy made Dio so happy, you looked his way as well. Jonathan was glaring at Dio with his hands clenched so tightly you could've sworn he'd drawn blood. You gently patted the boy's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He glanced at your hand and his gaze softened. You offered a small smile which he returned in kind.

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